1. 人们将不使用钱币,所有的东西将免费。People won`t use money. Everything will be free.
2. 孩子们将在家在电脑上学习。Kids will study at home on computers.
3. 将有更少的空闲时间。There will be less free time.
4. 人们将更多地使用地铁。People will use subway more.
5. 未来将会是什么样子?What will the future be like?
6. 我们将必须搬到其他星球上去吗? Will we have to move to other planets?
7. 每个人都应该在拯救地球中发挥作用。Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.
8. 将会有更少的工作给人们因为更多的机器人将会像人们一样做同样的工作。
There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people.
9. 我将驾驶火箭飞往月球。I will fly rockets to the moon. = I will fly to the moon by rocket.
10. 现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作。Today there are already robots working in the factories.
11. 使机器人像人一样的思考将会是很难的。It will be difficult to make the robots think like a human.
12. 我们永远不知道将来会发生什么。We never know what will happen in the future.