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鲁教版五四制七年级英语上册Unit5 Period 1教案
鲁教版五四制七年级英语上册Unit5 Period 1教案
Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper).
Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard.
        2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to find out how the students preview, and sum up .
        3. Show the aims for students to choose.
(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some .)
Step Two: Learn by themselves.
Students: 1. Decide my own aims.
2. Self-study:
1.)1a  看课本1a 图画中的人物,他们分别去了哪里?对号入座,填在横线上。
2.) 听1b听力,仔细观察图画中人物的动作,然后听录音,标顺序。
3.) 听2a听力,听2a录音完成表格。
4. )2b  先读表格中的问题,带着问题进行听力训练,在听的过程中找出能回答问题的关键词。听第二遍录音,重点解决第一遍录音没有解决的问题。第三遍,对所有问题的答案进行检查。
5. )结合实际,和你的同桌改编2c的对话,准备上台展示。
Step Three: Talk about the problems with the teacher together.
 anything, something, n othing和everything是用于指代事物的复合不定代词,与之相对应的复合不定代词anyone, someone, no one和ever yone (anybody, somebody, nobody和everyb ody) 用于指人。与形容词连用时,形容词必须置于复 合不定词之后,语法上称作“后置”。
Step Four: Practice: 用英语询问你的一位好朋友,她(他)假期去了哪里?看到了什么?并将此对话表演出来。
Step Five: Summary and Test
Step Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (2d-3c)
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