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译林牛津版选修九Unit4 reading 2课件+学案
译林牛津版选修九Unit4 reading 2课件+学案
Learning aims (学习目标)
1.To have a further understanding of the passage
2. To master some language points
Important and difficult points(重点难点)
1.       To learn some words and expressions in the passage
2.       How to analyze the grammatical structures of some important sentences
1.       An idiom is a group of words or expression whose meaning is not straightforward, because it often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of its separate words.
〈1〉expression n. 词语,短语;表示,表达;表情
  the free expression of one’s views 自由地表达自己的想法
  wear a delighted/ sad expression ______________________________
  beyond/ past expression 无法形容地,无法表达地
  e.g. The brides _________________________________________新娘美得无法形容。
express v.
e.g.I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.

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