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译林牛津版选修六Unit4 Helping people around the world重点词汇讲解和练习(含答案)
1.  International aid helps many people around the world to have better lives, especially when things go wrong.
go wrong  出毛病,发生故障;变糟,变坏
go 的用法:go 在此处充当系动词,后加形容词做表语,表示变化(通常是由正常变为不正常,好变成坏)。
拓展: go deaf   变聋                  go blind  变瞎
       go sour   变酸                     go pale   变苍白
       go mad   变疯                      go bad   变质
eg. 1) To my surprise, something has gone wrong with the engine.
   2) She went pale at the news. 听到那消息她的脸色变得苍白。
   3) Eggs go bad easily in summer. 夏天鸡蛋容易变坏。
   4) He went blind after the accident. 这次事故后,他的眼睛就瞎了。
2.  Being a Goodwill Ambassador means that I visit countries where the UN operates programs to help people.
operate vt. 使用,使……运转(系统、项目、服务等)
eg. 1) The government operates a new system for assisting the old people.
   2) Machines are operated by electricity. 机器靠电开动。
operate vi 动手术  operate on …
eg. The doctor operated on his chest yesterday. 昨天医生给他的胸部动了手术。
operation  n. 军事行动;手术;操作,实施。
eg. 1) The army received an order to put off the operation. 部队接到命令要推迟行动。
   2) The operation of the machine is simple. 这台机器的操作很简单。
   3) You’d better examine the engine regularly to guarantee its smooth operation.
   4) He is very ill and needs an operation. 他病得很重,需要做手术。
3.  I’m pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to.
refer to: 1) 提交,交付; 2)求助,查询; 3)参照,参阅;
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