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51. According to the passage, the Internet has been widely used since            ago.
A. 12 years                   B. 14 years              C. 15 years
52. The passage tells us that               .
A. personal memory becomes more important
B. people show more interest and spend more time in the outside world
C. you don’t have to pay if you want to find some music in the Internet
53. The underlined word “rare” means                 in Chinese.
A. 稀有的                   B. 更多的              C. 真正的
54. From the passage we can learn that the writer _______ when some traditions are disappearing.
A. seems happy               B. feels interested         C. is worried 
55. What is the best title for this passage?
   A. The Importance of The Internet 
   B. The Internet Has Changed People’s Lives
   C. How to Surf The Internet   
参考答案51-55 C C A C B
【电脑版】 【触屏版】