12999英语网 手机版
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1.(2016・全国Ⅰ,短文改错)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I love.________
2.(2016・全国Ⅰ,阅读B)We now realize ________ important family is and how important to be near them, especially when you’re raising children.
3.(2016・全国Ⅱ,短文改错)The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.________
4.(2016・全国Ⅱ,阅读B)Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.________ finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.
5.(2016・全国Ⅱ,阅读D)The journey was intended to achieve more than ________Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done.
6.(2016・北京,24)Your support is important to our work.________you can do helps.
7.(2016・北京,29)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is________one can be entirely dust.
8.(2016・四川,七选五)Scientists are still not exactly sure ________genes influence aging, but they believe that they do.
9.(2016・江苏,21)It is often the case________anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.
10.(2015・江苏,25)________ Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won't accept it.
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