12999英语网 手机版
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五、单词拼写  根据句意、中文注释或音标写出所给单词的正确形式,一格一词。(每小题1分,共10分)
61.You can find more useful         (信息) on the Internet。
62.Tomorrow will be my sister         (十二) birthday.
63.Are all of the tools (工具) these         (工程师)?
64.People in some         (西方的) countries don't like the colour of red.
65.He spent three hours         (准备) for the picnic yesterday.
66.When Andrew tells interesting stories,Linda always         (大笑).
67.His uncle         [reiziz】cows,horses,ducks and so on.
68.Who knows where the         [`tre ə(r)] is?
69.People in the west eat with         and forks while the Chinese use chopsticks。
70.―Our new school has an         of 1.5 square kilometers.―Wow,it is so big.
六、动词填空  根据句意,用动词的适当形式完成句子。(每小题1分,共10分)
71.How long does it take you         (ride) to school every morning?
72.Simon won't come here if he         (not be) free next month
73.Jim,with his friends         (fly) kites in the park every Sunday.
74.My grandpa is over 70,but he never stops         (1earn) new skills。
75.Daniel is always the first one         (get) to school every day.
76.We often hear birds         (sing) in the morning.
77.There are many works of art for you         (see) in the museums.
78.Mum asks Simon         (not play) computer games for too long.
79.It is so cloudy.I think it          (rain).
80.I am looking forward to          (watch) a wonderful football match myself.
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