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初中英语外研版九年级下册Module7 English for you and me单元练习含听力mp3
36. The boy will try his best to                 (完成,实现) his dream.
37. Ten people,                 (包含) a baby, were hurt in the crash.
38. Is your sister a                 (秘书)?
39. My uncle decided to enter the film                 (行业) when he was in his fifties.
40. The                 (老板) of the company didn't have any evidence to                 (证明) he was at the scene of the crime.
41. 你玩电脑的时候,我可以看电视。
                 you                                   on the computer, I can watch TV.
42. 最好使用瓷杯和午餐盒,因为你可以再次使用它们。(词数不限)
                 use a china cup and a lunch-box                  you can use them again.
43. 如果你有五个面包圈,你将会走多远?  (词数不限)
                 will you go                  you have five donuts?
44. 我爸爸想给我买一辆自行车以便我能够快一点到学校。
My father wants to buy me a bicycle                                   I can get to school faster.
45. 虽然今天是晴天,可还是有点冷。
                 it's sunny today,                  it's a little cold.
46. 我们匆匆吃了早饭, 然后跑着去赶火车。(词数不限)
We had a                  breakfast and then                  the train.
47. 今日事,今日毕。(词数不限)
Don't let yesterday                  too much of today.
48. 最受欢迎的旅行方式是什么?
What's                                                    way                  travel?
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