12999英语网 手机版
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A) 根据括号内的中文提示写出单词的正确形式,使句子意思完整正确,每空一词
36. Our city is becoming more and more      (拥挤) and polluted.
37. We are excited to hear that we will have two __________(月)holiday.
38. Nancy felt proud when she     (升起)the national flag in the playground this Monday.
39. When I look out from the      (二十九) floor of that tall building, I can see the whole city.
40. The documentary he is interested in      (描述) how wild animals live in Zhalong Nature Reserve.
B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词
41. In winter, some animals become      (active) and sleep for the whole winter.
42. ---Can the stars     ( see ) in the day ?---No, they can’t.
43. Jim has a wide ___ _______( know) of physics and geography . 
44. I think __________ ( eat) too much meat and watching too much TV are bad for our health.
45. To get good grades in the exam, we should avoid      (care).
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