12999英语网 手机版
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51.‘It’s time for you to ____________ (改变) your diet and lifestyle,’ the doctor said.
52. Smoking is bad for your ___________ (健康).
53. Do you have ___________ (足够的) time to finish the work?
54. Beijing is the c__________ of China.
55. ―Are you from different __________ (国家)? ―Yes, you are right.
56. We’d like to come. We look forward to _________ (see) you at the party.
57. Amy invites us _________ (visit) the Palace Museum tomorrow.
58. There are a lot of ______ (shelf) in our school library.
59.They ____________ (meet) at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
60. What about            (go) out for a walk?
61. One of the           (waiter) is his son.
62. September is the          (nine) month of a year.
63.Some animals are ___________(danger).
64.We Chinese are always           (f riend) to the foreigners.
65It takes us two years_________ (build) the building.
66.There are lots of things _________( do ) in Sunshine Town .
67.I’ll ask him ________ (call ) you back .
68.________ you _______ ( hold ) a party tomorrow evening.
69.It’s five fifty now. He ________ ( read ) English .
70.What time ________ she ________( get ) up in the morning ?
请以Star Shopping Mall为题,根据以下信息写一篇60-80词的小短文,可适当发挥,切忌逐字翻译。要点如下:
1. 我家附近有个名叫Star的购物中心;
2. 有三层。营业时间从早八点到晚十点;
3. 一层出售各种服装,是女士所爱;二层出售各种食品;三层是 孩子们的游乐场;
4. 商品物美价廉,工作人员态度好;
5. 它真是个购物的好去处。
【电脑版】 【触屏版】