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. 词汇(10)
1. Mars is one of nine__________(large bodies in space that move around stars) in our solar system
2.I need to_________(投诉)to the clothes shop.
3. Three Chinese _________(宇航员)have been to space so far.
4. The students on Mars will need o___________ teachers.
5. He is a successful s__________ and he can sell the most books at the bookstore.
6. John is a well-known explorer and he has ____________(explore) many amazing places.
7. In order to___________(prevention) people from killing tigers, she became a volunteer of
Saving Tigers.
8. That lonely old man talks to others____________(rare).
9. Please go on___________(scan) to find the facts and numbers in the passage.
10. The up-to-date robot was___________ (design) by a Japanese.
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