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1. Easter is ___ (Kate) favourite holiday.
2.They play a game___ (call) “Roll the Stones”.
3. We are going to ___ (talk) about Christmas.
4. What about ___ (play) volleyball together?
5. We also have ___ (we) own festivals.
A: Hello! This is John! Happy New Year!
B: Hi, John! The same to you! How are you now?
A: 56  . And today is also my sister’s birthday .I’m very happy.
B: Cool! Please say 57   .
A: Thank you, Li Ming. And how is the weather in Beijing now?
B:  58  . But I like it.
A: Why? I think It’s windy, right?
B: Yeah! But you know  59  .
A: Oh! That’s really fine.
B: And how is the weather in New York?
A: It’s always raining, and I don’t like it.
B: That’s OK!I think It’s going to be sunny soon.
A:  60  . Well! I must go now.
B: OK! John, thanks for calling, bye!
A.I hope so(希望如此)          D. It’s snowy
B. happy birthday to her         E.I like playing snowballs
C. I’m fine
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