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仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section A随堂练习含答案
仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section A随堂练习含答案
1. There are ____ trees than before and the environment becomes worse. We must stop people cutting down more trees.
A. little                      B. few                 C. less                        D. fewer
2. ―What’s your favorite animal?
―Snake. I have a pet snake at home.
―Snake? A pet snake? Oh, my god. I ____ it.
A. am afraid of          B. am afraid to    C. am angry with      D. am angry about
3.―It’s so noisy here at night. I can’t sleep well at all.
―I couldn’t, either. But now I ____ it.
A. used to                  B. get used to      C. get use for            D. use to
4. ―Do you go to work by car?
―No, I take a bus. It’s hard ____ a car here.
A. for parking          B. park                      C. to park                  D. parking
1. 骑自行车将不会导致空气污染。
Cycling won’t cause ______ ______.
2. 我们每个人都应该遵守交通规则。
Every one of us should obey the ______ ______.
3. 节省能源十分重要,所以离开房间时随手关灯。
It is very important to ______ ______. So please turn off the lights when you leave the room.
4. 如果人们在街上小心开车,我们将会安全得多。
If people drive carefully in the street, we will be ______ ______.
5. ――太热了,我们到村里的那条河游泳吧。
―It’s too hot. Let’s go swimming in the river in our village.
―I ______ ______ you. It’s too dangerous.
1. You are late again. I will tell your father. (用if将两句连成一句)
2. I feel a little more confident. (改为否定句)
I ______ ______ a little more confident.
3. There will be fewer accidents. (改为一般疑问句)
______ ______ be fewer accidents?
4. I think so.(同义句转换)
I ______ ______ you.
5. It’s easy to park bikes, too.(同义句转换)
It’s ______ ______ to park bikes, either.
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