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仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 2 Section A随堂练习含答案
仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 2 Section A随堂练习含答案
1. Don’t worry. When your son ____ at Beijing Railway Station tomorrow, the teacher from Ren’ai must be there to meet him.
A. arrives                   B. arriving                 C. arrived                  D. will arrive
2.―Would you help me to ____ the physics problem? It’s too difficult.
―No problem.
A. work out               B. come out               C. find out                D. look out
3. ―Mom, shall I meet my cousin at the station when he ____ tomorrow?  
―Yes, you must be there on time.
A. will arrive            B. arrived                  C. arrives                   D. is going to arrive
4. The middle exam is coming soon, so I’m busy ____ it these days.
A. preparing with      B. prepare with         C. preparing for         D. prepare for
5. ―I’d like you ____ a travel plan for me.
―OK. Let’s search some information on the Internet first.
A. make                     B. makes                   C. made                     D. to make
1. Jane was very glad ______ (receive) many presents on her birthday.
2. While my mother ______ (clean) the room yesterday, I ______ (wash) some clothes.
3. I was sleeping when the telephone ______ (ring).
4. While I was sending an e-mail, I ______ (hear) a loud noise.
5. Someone knocked at the door when I ______ (watch) TV.
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