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2015-2016学年牛津译林版九年级下Unit2 Reading 2导学案
2015-2016学年牛津译林版九年级英语下Unit2 Great people Reading 2导学案
Complete the passage.
Neil Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Ohio, the USA. He showed an __________ in flying when he took his first _________ at the age of six. He received his student __________ ___________ when he was 16.
In 1962, he was __________ to become an __________. In 1966 he went into space as __________ pilot of Gemini 8. 
On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to ________ ________ __________ _________. He and Aldrin collected _________ _________ to take back to the Earth for further __________.
Because of his excellent __________, Neil Armstrong was __________ the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that a US ___________ can receive. He was the ____________ of the whole world.
【板书课题】Unit2 Reading II
1. To learn the language points in the article.
2. Master the detail information about the article.
1. Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years.
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