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仁爱版九年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section A课时作业含答案
仁爱版九年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section A课时作业含答案
(    )1.---What can I do for you?     
       ---I want two ______ eggs.
     A.dozen                   B.dozens      C.dozens of
(    )2. --- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous.  
       --- ______. You can make it. (2013 安徽)
     A. Congratulations!      B. Take it easy.        C. Have a good time.
(    )3. --- It’s too hard for me to recite the long poems.
 --- Keep trying. ________ is impossible if you set your mind to it.
 A. Nothing      B. Everything      C. Something
(    )4. --- Mom, I bought _______ eggs yesterday, but now none is left.
       --- Oh, they were put under the table.
 A. dozen      B. dozen of      C. dozens of
(   )5. ---Is there going ________ a football match this Friday?
      ---Yes, there is. A. to have B. have   C. to be
(   )6. His hobby is ______ watching TV ______ playing the piano. It’s reading books.
A. either; or        B. both; and         C. neither; nor
(   )7. We can do a lot to stay healthy____, we should eat a balanced(平衡的) diet.
 A. together with            B. In fact        C. First of all 
8. We should prepare some gifts _________(from/ for) our graduation ceremony.
9. ---Shall we give speeches _________(at/ on) the graduation ceremony.
  --- Yes.
10. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind __________(to/ on) it.
11. ---Can I help you?       
   ---I want two ____________(dozens/ dozen) apples.
12. Everyone prepared ___________(dozen/dozens) of presents and exchanged them with each other.
13. Everyone writes his best wishes _________(on/ at) the back of each photos.
14. Thinking back _______(in/ on) the past three years, I have learn a lot from you.
15. We have worked so hard that we will be able to pass it __________(easy/ easily).
16. --- Where are colored ________(pens/ chalks)? We need some to draw on the blackboard.
--- Wait a moment. I’ll fetch some for you.
17. There is going to _________(be/ have) a graduation ceremony this weekend.
18.---May I write the words with colored ________/tʃɔ: k/ on the blackboard? 
  ---Of course, please.
19.The book provides ________/'vælju əbl/ information on recent trends.
20. ---Kangkang, please fetch some __________(粉笔) for me.
   ---OK, here you are.
21. Though the gifts are cheap, they are ___________(有价值的) for students to remember their friendships
1-5 ABACC   6-7  CC
8. for 9. at  10. to 11. dozen 12. dozens  13. on 14. on 15. easily 16. chalks 17. be 18. chalk 19. valuable 20. chalks 21. valuable
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