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仁爱版九年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section C课时作业含答案
仁爱版九年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section C课时作业含答案
(    )1.---Have you finished your homework? ---Not yet. Playing computer games ________too much time.
   A. took away         B. took up           C. took off 
(    )2. --- Feng Xiaogang is a famous _____, I like his movies best.  --- So do I. I have watched most of his movies.
  A. president         B. director           C. actor
(   )3. ---Writing a letter will take ______a lot of time. Why not make a call? ---It’s a good idea.
 A. up                     B. off                  C. on
4. --- What does your sister do in her spare time?
  --- She is into _____(singing/ sing), and she sings every morning.
5. --- What are you going to be when you grow up?
--- I don’t know. But my father hopes I can _________(put up/take up) music.
6. It’s a wonderful chance for art lovers to see so many _________(works/ work) of Picasso.
7. Beckham’s three sons are really into ________(play/playing) football and basketball.
8. David Beckham wants his sons to __________(take up/ take place) sports.
9. --- Jack plays the piano pretty well.
  --- I think so. He is a _________(有天赋的) boy.
10. Zhang Yimou is a famous film ___________(导演) in China.
11. The show is a ________(大体的,普遍的) review of Picasso’s career.
12. Chen Zhonghe used to be the volleyball __________(教练) of China’s national team.
13. Vincent Van Gogh’s _________ (作品) usually express strong feelings.
1-3  BBA
4. singing  5. take up 6. works 7. playing 8. take up 9. talented 10. director
11. general 12. coach 13. works
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