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六、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
(A)  根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空
56. When we do the homework, we must do it ____________ (we).
57. My father reads ____________ (day) news on the Internet in the evening.
58. John has only half an hour for his hobbies at ____________ (much).
59. May is as ____________ (help) as Mr. Li. She often shares her ideas.
60. That pair of glasses is one of the ____________ (swim).
(B)  根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词拼写
61. For example, _____________ (商讨) the problem with others will help you find the answer quickly.
62. The students always look ____________ (浏览) the questions carefully when taking exams.
63. All of them stood and ____________ (欢呼) for the wonderful performance.
64. Well, it only needs to wait five minutes. How ____________ (耐心) you are!
65. The climber ____________ (最后) got to the top of the mountain. He felt very happy.
七、请用所给动词的适当形式填空(共6小题;每小题1分, 满分6分)
66. Our math teacher is angry. We had better ____________ (not be) late.
67. All of the children couldn’t wait ____________ (rush) into the theme park after they arrived.
68. Not only his friends but also the headmaster____________ (pick) litter around the school.
69. Andrew, ____________ (choose) any gift as you like, will you?
70. She hopes her son ____________ (practice) hard.
71. In face of difficulty, David still kept _______________ (decorate) his house without others’ help.
八、句型转换(共3小题;每格0.5分, 满分3分)
72. Amy jumps the highest in her class. (改为同义句)
     Amy jumps ____________ than ____________ other of her classmates.
73. Mary invited Smith and John to her birthday. (改为同义句)
       ____________ Smith ____________ John are invited to Mary’s birthday party.
74. My best friend is shy and quiet.(对划线部分提问)
       ____________ your best friend ____________?
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