12999英语网 手机版
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T: How do you celebrate your birthday? ( Ask some students to answer)
Who do you usually invite?
Did you have a goodbye party?  Who did you invite?
Step2: Listen to the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What country is Jane from? What city is she from?
2. What country is John from? What city is he from?
3. What country is Mike from? What city is he from?
4. What country is Greg from? What city is he from?
5. What do you think all of these students are in China?
Step3: Read:
Tell the students to read aloud along with the audiotape.
Step4: Language points :
1.invite : 邀请
1).invite + sb 邀请某人
   He has a big goodbye party and he invites all of his friends.                                               
2). Invite + sb + to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
Jenny invites me to go shopping together.
3).invite + sb + to a place(指一个地方)邀请某人到某处
We often invite Tom to the park at the weekends.
2.capital :首都
London is the capital of the U.K.
Beijing is the                 of China. 
Canberra is the                 of Australia.
Washington D.C. is the                 of the U.S.
3. thank sb. for sth / doing sth: 为某事而感谢…
Thank you for helping me= Thank you for your help.
【电脑版】 【触屏版】