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A.    根据中文提示,用所给词的正确形式填空;
1. What’s the _______of this bridge? (重量)
2. If you want to cut some paper, you need a pair of _____.(剪刀)
3. He is an          student. All the teachers like him. (极好的)
4. The twins like DIY very much. They spend a lot of time
         out many beautiful pictures every week. (切)
5. Sammy is          enough to wait for a long time. (有耐心)
B.  根据英文提示,用所给词的正确形式填空。
6.         , his legs are hurt in the traffic accident. (luck)
7. Sandy and Mum like making fruit salad by __________. (they)
8. Doctor King, I feel even ________ now.  (bad)
9. Simon’s painting is better than any of the other _________. (teenage)
10.It’s          to have a lesson like this. We all feel excited. (mean)
1. Tom with his grandparents ________ (do) housework every Sunday.
2. Do you think            (learn) English is fun?
3. Who __________ (teach) you English last term?
4. She usually spends as much time as she can __________ (help) people in need.
5. You’d better __________ (not play) football in the street, boys!
6. Be quick! Our teacher __    ___ (wait) for us to help him.
7. Andy, ___ ___ (not pull) the cat’s tail. It’s my grandpa’s pet.
8. There __  ____ (be) a football match in our school next week, isn’t it?
9. He wanted my help. So I stopped ________ (help) him.
10. The man___________ (write) an important letter to his friend an hour ago.
Cindy will keep secrets for me _______ _____   ___ ______others.
Last week when we got to the zoo, the classmates                         the bus.
3. 我的表兄刚才建议我把这些书留在家里。
My cousin                                at home just now.
4. 每个月我爸爸要比我妈妈休更多天假。
My father                             than my mother every month.
5. 昨天不仅这些学生,而且这位老师也整理了教室。
Not only the students                     the classroom yesterday.
6. 你最好先把这些苹果切成小块。
You had better                                 .
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