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Step 1.  Review
  Make some sentences using the phrases below.
have to do with (与…有关)                                                   
make promises(做出承诺)                                                    
have something in common (有共同之处)                                            
write down (写下;记下)
for this reason(为此;由于这个原因)                                                      
take up(开始从事)
Step 2 Lead in: talk about the teacher’s resolutions.
1.The teacher shows the Ss some pictures which are about her resolutions . Let the Ss talk about what the teacher’s resolutions are.
get more exercise.
Then, eat more fruit and vegetables.
listen to music more.
help with housework
learn to play the piano
2. After the Ss finish discussing, lead the Ss to learn to use the future tense by asking the Ss what the student is going to do ..
(Answer: The teacher is going to…..)
3. Show the Ss a passage with some blanks. It is about the teacher’s resolutions. Ask the Ss to try to do it by themselves.
   The new year is________. So I made some resolutions______ myself. The first resolution is ______ physical health. Next year, or maybe sooner, I’m going to _____ more exercise. I think exercise is good for our health and it can _____ us healthier. The second resolution is about self-improvement. I’m going to_____ to play the piano. I think music is beautiful. It can ___ourselves .The third resolution is about _____with my family and friends. I’m going to help my parents_______ more housework. I think parents are very tired. If we help them, they will be very happy.
(Answers: coming, to, about, get, make, learn, relax, relationship, with )
4. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation.
Step3. Consolidation: complete the passage in 3a
1. Ask the Ss to read the whole passage generally and try to answer the following questions.
(1) What are resolutions ?
  (Answers: resolutions are promises to yourself)
(2) Why do you make resolutions?
  (Answers: They may help to make you a better person and to make your life easier.)
2. Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks in the passage .
3. Have the Ss check their answers with their partners first. Then, choose several Ss to show their answers blank by blank. At last, give the Ss time to read the completed passage.
4. Break up the passage in 3a into several pieces and ask the Ss in groups to put the disordered sentences into the right order. See which group will be the fastest. Later, after all the Ss finish the task, choose a group to read the passage piece by piece.
5. Then ask the Ss to think about how they can find the right order of the passage either in English or in Chinese. After the Ss show their ideas, help the Ss make sure the following things:
“I am going to make four resolutions” is the Topic Sentence.
“The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. The second resolution is…  The third resolution is… The fourth resolution is…” are the Timeline.
Step 4. Practice: write the Ss’ own resolutions.
1. Ask the Ss to talk about their own resolutions in pairs.
1.Ideas for improving my physical health____________________
2.Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends___________________________________
3.Ideas for doing better at school __________________________
2. Choose several Ss to tell their resolutions orally to the rest of the Ss. At the same time, write some key words or phrases on their books.
3. Help the Ss make sure the composition must include the following things before they start to write their own resolutions.
*Topic sentence: I’m going to make some resolutions..
*Details: The first resolution is about…  The second resolution is about… The third resolution is about…
*Activities: get more exercise, help with housework, eat more fruit and vegetables, help with each other, drink milk every day
*Tense: the Future Tense.
4. Give the Ss several minutes to write their composition. Choose one student to write his/her resolutions on the Bb.
5. After all the Ss finish writing, first check the composition on the Bb together with all the Ss according to the following evaluation scale.
Is there a topic sentence?      
Is there a timeline?    
Does he / she use the future tense? 
Are there any grammatical mistakes?     
Choose several Ss to evaluate the composition item by item in the evaluation scale.
6. Then, ask the Ss to check their partner’s composition according to the above evaluation scale.
7. Choose several Ss to read their composition. The other Ss listen carefully and prepare for answering the teacher’s questions later on.
8. Ask the Ss about what they think of their classmates’ resolutions and why. In this way, the Ss learn to make comments.
Step 5. Homework
1. Ask the Ss to write a passage about their resolutions in the future..
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