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Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. They’ll have a great time.            B. If you do, you’ll be sorry.
C. If you do, you’ll be late.
2. A. Yes, I will.                                 B. Laura.                             C. No, I won’t.
3. A. Because they are old.                  B. Because they have more experience than us.
C. Because they’re teachers.
4. A. I’d like to buy a T-shirt.                     B. No, you can’t.                 C. You’re welcome.
5. A. Just so so.                                  B. Not very good.                C. Thank you.
Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
6. What problem does the boy have?
A. He passed the exam.                  B. He didn’t pass the exam.   C. He lost his wallet.
7. What will happen if the boy tells his parents the truth?
A. They’ll be upset.                       B. They’ll be angry.                     C. They’ll be happy.
8. Why didn’t the girl want Lily to copy the answers?
A. Because she thought it was wrong.
B. Because she thought it was right.
C. Because she thought it was normal.
9. What does the father think of the matter?
A. Lily is right.                             B. His daughter is right.        C. They’re both right.
10. What’s the father’s advice for her daughter?
A. She can call Lily.                      B. They can chat online.       
C. She can write a letter to Lily.
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