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仁爱版八年级上册Unit1 Topic 2 Section C教学设计
仁爱版八年级上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 2 I’ll kick you the ball again Section C教案设计
Ⅰ. Material analysis
Ⅱ. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中单词及短语。
2. 能正确拼读并运用单词。
3. 能运用can, can’t , must, should 等情态动词提建议。如:
   You can throw it from any part of the court.
  You must follow the rules.
You can’t hold the ball and run with it.
You should have good skills.
4. 能正确使用以下短语,复述本课课文,简单地介绍篮球运动。
  invent sth, come into being, stop…from doing sth, follow the rules, enjoy doing sth
Skill aims:
1. 能听懂本课文本材料以及与篮球运动相关的课堂用语。
2. 能熟练地口头谈论有关篮球的历史,规则及意义的话题。
3. 能准确朗读课本的文本材料,并能正确地朗读相关的文本材料。
4. 能规范地模仿本课课文,写出有关篮球运动的文章。
Emotional aims:
Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
Key points:
invent sth, come into being, stop…from doing sth, follow the rules, enjoy doing sth
Difficult points:
1. 短语come into being的运用。
2. 动词不定式作表语的结构:The goal is to throw the ball…
3. any在肯定句中的运用。You can throw it from any part…
Ⅳ. Learning strategies
1. 运用图片猜测文章的内容,有助于学生整体理解文章。
2. 根据长课文进行缩写,训练学生对报纸、杂志等刊登的长文章的转述能力。
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