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牛津译林版英语9A Unit8教案
Unit 8 Detective stories
Comic strip and Welcome to the unit
Teaching Aims:
1. To know the meanings of the words related to a detective story, such as murder, evidence, suspect…
2. To learn to find the useful information from a detective’s report
Teaching procedure
Step 1 Lead in
Show a picture about a detective.
Do you know the man in the picture? Who is he?
Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle. He is very clever and has a wide knowledge of different things.
Have you read any books about detective stories? They are very exciting.
Show some pictures and present some famous detectives.
Step 2 listen and answer
1. Listen to comic strip and answer the following question.
1). Why is Eddie dressed like that?
2). Who is Eddie looking for?
3). Is Eddie a real detective?
2. Read after the flash.
3. Practice in pairs.
4. Act it out.
Step 3 Read the part A and do dome exercises.
1. Read Suspect 1 and answer the following question:
1).What is the suspect called?
2) What does he do?
3) Where does he live?
4) What was he doing when the crime took place?
5) What does he look like?
2. Read Suspect 2 and complete the notes:
This man is __________. He is a _________. He lives in _____________. He is _______, ______________ .  Last Saturday , he was in _______________.
3. Read Suspect 3 and make a dialogue using the information:
4. Read Suspect 4 and describe the person in your own words.
Step 4 Listen and answer
1. Listen to part B and answer the following question.
1). Who does Sandy think is not telling the truth?
2). Who does Daniel think?
3). Who is Frank Johnson?
2. Read after the recorder.
3. Practice in pairs .
4. Act it out.
Step 5 Explanation
1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie?
be dressed   表示“穿着”
be dressed in +服装/颜色         
e.g. She is dressed in red today. 她今天穿着红色的衣服。
    dress up / dress up as /dress sb. / dress oneself  
2. My food has gone missing.
go missing  = be lost    丢失了、不见了
e.g. My bike has gone missing.
       My bike has been lost.
3. We have made notes on all of them.
make notes on sb.       对某人做笔录
e.g. We have made notes on the four suspects.
4. Who do you think is not telling the truth ?                                                            
句中 tell the truth 是“说出真相”,其中truth 是名词,true是形容词,副词是truly。
   e.g.  He didn’t tell the truth.
5. I guess Jimmy White is lying.
    guess vt.   猜,猜测
    e.g. You’ll never guess how much it cost.
    lie vi. 说谎  lied; lying
    e.g. She lied about her age in order to get the job.
6. He’s an office worker of medium height. 
     of medium height    中等身高
    e.g. He is of medium height.
Step 6 Exercises
1.Sherlock Holmes is a famous_________(侦探). I admire him very much.
2.Jim’s father is a doctor, and he work in a _________(医院) near his home.
3.There are two _____________(售货员) behind the counter.
4.He is a t_________ man. He is always dressed well.
5. The man owns a shop. He is a s_________.
6.My uncle is a man of m_______ h_________.
7. 寻找售货员
8. 中等身材
11. 看起来不整洁的
1. Why________ you___________ (dress) like that?
2. Eddie’s food has gone __________(miss).
3. The coats with blood were those__________ (murder).
4. His bedroom is too _________(tidy). Let’s help to clean it.
5. That person you saw yesterday is ________(middle) height.
6. That night, an old woman _____________(murder).
7. Beijing University is holding a much _______________(excite) relay race.
8. The murder__________ (happen) on a cloudy night.
9. No one wants to help him, because he is ______________(help).
10. Look at the fat man , he is a _________(cook).
1. My food_______________.(已失踪)
2. The murder____________________________(发生在一个冬天的早晨)
3. _________ that woman __________?(长得什么样子)
4. You_______________________.(有人打电话找你)
5. We_____________________(对他们做了笔录).
Step 7 Homework:
1. Read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.
2. Do the exercises in the workbook.
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