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牛津译林版英语9A Unit8 Task导学案
九年级(上)Unit 8  Detective stories
1. 能够根据图片用英文表达一个故事;
2. 能根据写作要求构思文章,了解文章的组成:介绍、主体和结论 。
3. 能运用本单元的语言知识写一篇侦探胡故事。
1. 与某人相处融洽____________________6. 以做某事谋生          _
2. 住在隔壁_______________________7. 下班回家                     
3. 被指控偷盗                                         8. 抢劫一家珠宝                       
4.开始寻找线索                                       9.被逮捕_____                         
5. 报警                                                   10. 被指控___                    
1. He wears a gold n________ around  her neck .
2. I can’t afford the d_________ watch ,although I like it very much..
3. The shop was robbed and some j__________ was missing .
4. The b_______ are very kind . They often have the woman workers go home early.
5. He was under a______ for murder. He had to be in prison for eight years.
学些作文                     A  detective story  
1,A description of the crime; 
2.Any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime;
3. A description of the suspect’
4. How the detective finds the criminal.
1.      妈妈一直和一个新邻居相处不好。妈妈说她看起来很不友好。
2.      一天,妈妈回到家,发现昨天刚买的项链不见了。
3.      我决定立刻报警。
4. 突然有人敲门,原来是我们的新邻居。
5.      她手里拿着项链,说昨天在门口发现的。
6.      妈妈很感激她,并愿意和她成为朋友。
My mother got along well with all our neighbours except the man who lived next door..
1. Tom was _______________( charge  )with robbery.
2. A witness said he had seen a man  _________(run ) into it.
3. No one knows what he does for a  ____________________.(live)
4.I don’t know who lost it . Can you help me find the ________ (own)?
5.Tom was very ________________.(shock)
6. I _____________________( rob) of my watch.
7. He __________(own) the house  for 10 years.
8 The policeman caught those ___________(thief) and took them to the police station.
9. He seems to be a nice man and he doesn’t have any _______( crime) records.
10, The rich man’s daughter was __________. And the detective said the _______ must be a person who knows his family well. (kidnap).
 Mr. Conan was a writer. One evening  he was writing a d__1_____ story when he found that  he couldn’t finish it  with a good ending .So he went to the cinema.. When he came back ,he  found that someone had b________2__ into his house. The thief  had had a cup of tea. smoked and read his story .Besides ,he left Conan a note .it s___3______, “ I have read your story and I don’t think m____4_ of it .Please read my suggestion at the end of the story  and then you can finish it ..By the way ,I’m a t___5___. I’m not going to steal a ____6_____ tonight . But if you become a f _____7____ writer. I’ll come again .” After r___8____ the thief’s suggestion , Mr. Conan sat down and worked at the end of the short.  After a while he f __9__________..
  The next day ,A friend of Conan read the story. He said” Mr. Conan sat down and worked  at the end of the story  is the best one of all the  e__10__of stories I’ve read., I think .”After that ,before Mr. Conan went out in the evening ,He  always left a half-finished story on his desk .
1,__________ 2.__________ 3_________ 4___________ 5_____________
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