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牛津译林版英语9A Reading(2)导学案
九年级(上)Unit 8 Detective stories
          Reading (2)
1.       了解并掌握有关犯罪的关键词汇。
2.       能理解和运用文中的重点短语和句型。
1. 在案发现场____________________________2. 不寻常的事_______________________
3. 流血致死______________________________4. 结果_____________________________
5. 犯有……罪____________________________6. 被控告侵入电脑系统_______________
7. 树敌__________________________________8. 悬赏5万元_______________________
9. 导致凶手的被捕________________________10. 检查现场获得更多线索_____________
e.g.  He was seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7p.m. yesterday.
      be seen doing sth. 被看见在做某事
   1. Who was murdered last night?
   2. What was the victim’s job?
   3. Hoe can people contact the police if they have any information?
一、    用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。
  award;     have gone missing;  murder;    witness;      charge;      victim
1.       At last, the __________________ were arrested by the police.
2.       The little girl _______________ for long,. Her mother dreamed that she could come back in the future.
3.       The police have offered a ______________ of 10,000 for the case.
4.       He is the ___________ of last night’s attack in Moon Town. He was badly hurt..
5.       The man was _______________ with stealing.
6.  It’s said that she is the only ______________ to the murder.
1. The little cat ____________________(find) in the bushes behind the tree.
2. He was last seen _______________(leave) his office at 9p.m. last night.
3. Did you see anything _______________(usual) just now?
4. I don’t know if he has lots of __________________(enemy).
5. The victim _______________(bleed) to _____________(die) as a result.
6. His grandfather has been _________________(die) for ten years.
7. The man was breathing ___________________(heavy) and running down the street.
8. Has the murderer been ___________________(arrest) so far?
(    )1. Harry keeps exercising every morning. __________,he’s a lot lighter than he used
 to be.
 A. After all          B. Above all       C. As a result      D. At that moment
(    )2. ---Do you know ____________ tomorrow?
       ----Sorry, I don’t know. You may surf the Internet.
      A. whether will it rain                    B. if it will rain
      C. whether does it rain                   D. if does it rain
(    )3. The police ________ going to question everyone in the house.
        A. is             B. are           C. been            D. be
(    )4. You can contact me ___________ 66778899.
       A. on             B. at            C. in              D with
(    )5. He was late ____________ the heavy snow.
       A. as a result      B. as a result of    C. because         D. so
1. 窃贼从窗户闯入房内。
  The thief ___________ _____________ the house __________ the window.
2. 他曾经因为行窃而被指控。
   He ____________ once _____________ ___________ theft.
3. 那个男的说他当时不在犯罪现场。
   That man said he was not ________ _________ ________ ________ _______ _______.
4. 警方希望证人能打110和他们联系。
   The police hope the __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ 110.
5. 一个目击者报告说他呼吸很急促,并且衬衫上有血。
   A witness __________ that he was _____________ ___________ and had blood on his shirt.
6. 警方悬赏10万元,奖励提供线索缉拿凶手的知情者。
   The police have ___________ ___________ _____________ ___________ 100,000 yuan for any information that _________ __________ the arrest of the murder.
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