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牛津译林版英语9A Reading(1)导学案
九年级(上)Unit 8 Detective stories
        Reading (1)
1.       学习一片关于谋杀案的新闻报道。
2.       培养阅读技巧。
一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。
1. at the scene of the crime _____________________2. be killed somewhere else____________
3. West Town’s chief detective__________________4. be wounded with a knife_____________
5. bleed to death as a result_____________________6. check the scene for more clues________
7. help solve the case _________________________8. have a well-paid job________________
9. be guilty of computer crimes _________________10. be charged with __________________
11. run down Corn Street______________________12. at the time of the crime _____________
13. have offered a reward of ¥50,000 ___________14. lead to the arrest of the murderer_____
二、预习 课文内容,尝试着回答下列问题
1. Where was the body of the victim found?
2. Why are the police working at the scene of the crime?
3. What does the only suspect look like?
二、小组讨论P111 B3的对话,用适当的单词填空。
1. You must ________________(确认) your air tickets 5 days before you leave.
2. Let’s travel ________________(某地) else in August , shall we?
3. You _________________(呼吸) more _______________(重) when you are nervous than you
  Are peaceful.
4. The pretty girl is __________________(单身的).
5. I ___________(猜想) that Mike will come here this afternoon.
6. When he woke up, her head was __________________(流血).
7. The policeman is asking the __________________(证人) some questions.
8. Is Judy the _______________(唯一的) girl at the party who has long hair?
1. The policeman has lost his life because of the fire. We are deeply sorry about
his __________(die)。
2. I’m sure those things are that ___________________(murder).
3. They were ___________________(scare) at the strange noise.
4. He ___________________(charge) with __________(break) into my house last year.
5. He was seen ______________(clean) his office at about 5:30, and after that, nobody knows
  where he has gone.
1. The man was charged _________ breaking into several computer systems.
2. At first we knew about the crime __________ the newspaper.
3. Detective Lu said that the victim was wounded __________ knife and bled __________ death
  as a result.
4. The young man was guilty ______________ computer crimes in the past.
5. A witness saw a man walking ___________ Upper Street with blood __________ his trousers.
(    )1. Detective Lu said the murder probably happened _______________.
        A. anywhere else                B. somewhere else
        C. else anywhere                C. else somewhere
(    )2. The police believe that the murder ___________ 9a.m. and 11p.m. yesterday.
        A. was happened at              B. happened at
        C. took place between            C. was happened between
(    )3. The man __________last ________ his home at about 8a.m.
        A. was; seen leaving             B. did; see left
        C. has; seen leave               D. was; saw left
(    )4. We knew that the young man ___________stealing bikes in the past.
        A. was charged of               B. was guilty of
        C. was arrested of               D. was guilty with
(    )5. Zhou Jielun is the singer __________ is well-known to teenagers in our city.
        A. which            B. who           C. whose         D. whom
(    )6. ----Have you bought ____________ for Linda’s birthday?
       -----Not exactly. Just some flowers.
        A. something unusual            B. anything unusual
        C. unusual something            D. unusual anything
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