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I.   听力测试。(30分)
(   ) 1. A. In China.            B. It’s cloudy.               C. It’s a big city.
(   ) 2. A. Because it’s interesting.     
B. We have English every Tuesday.         
C. My English teacher is Mr. Smith.
(   ) 3. A. I’d like to.                 B. Yes, please.                  C. Thanks.
(   ) 4. A. Yes, he is tall.             B. No, he isn’t.         C. He is tall.
(   ) 5. A. She’s with my aunt.    B. She’s singing.             C. She’s beautiful.
(   ) 6. A. A large bowl.              B. Tomato noodles.            C. Yes, please.
(   ) 7. A. She reads in the library.    B. She goes shopping.    C. She buys books.
(   ) 8. A. At 8:15.                            B. At 7:45.                       C. At6:45.
(   ) 9. A. On a farm.               B. In the post office.          C. At a restaurant.
(   ) 10. A. By bus.                  B. By train.                   C. By car.
(   ) 11. A. Giraffes.                     B. Tigers.                  C. Pandas.
(   ) 12. A. His father.             B. His grandfather.           C. His friend. 
(   ) 13. Who is the woman’s favorite singer?
               A. Mary Smith.                         B. Jack White.                   C. William Brown.
(   ) 14. Where does Jack White come from?
               A. South Africa                       B. The UK.                    C. Canada.
(   ) 15. Where does the woman want to go?
               A. A supermarket.                 B. A bookstore.                 C. A bank.
(   ) 16. How far is it from here?
               A. About 15 minutes’ walk.
               B. About 20 minutes’ walk.
               C. About 50 minutes’ walk.
(   ) 17. Nick and his mother went to the supermarket on ______.
A. Monday       B. Saturday       C. Sunday
(   ) 18. Nick and his mother wanted to buy ______.
A. some drink s    B. fruit and meat   C. vegetables and meat
(   ) 19. The supermarket is ______.
A. in front of the Central Park     
B. behind the Central Park 
C. in front of Nick’s home      
(   ) 20. They didn’t buy ______.
A. apples         B. chicken       C. ice-cream
II.       单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)
(   ) 21. Helen is ______ American girl and she often plays ______ badminton. 
    A. an; the         B. a; an        C. an; /        D. /; the
(   ) 22. I work ______ a teacher in No.1 Middle School.
    A. in             B. at          C. as          D. to
(   ) 23. I am ______ tired ______ I want to sleep.
    A. from; to        B. so; that      C. so; so       D. too; that
(   ) 24. It is not polite(礼貌) to ___ ____ your parents.
    A. shout at         B. shout to        C. shouts at       D. shouts to
(   ) 25. I AM SOMEBODY is an ______ movie, and I am ______ in it.
    A. interesting; interested               B. interesting; interesting      
C. interested; interested              D. interested; interesting
(   ) 26. It’s sunny today, just right for______.
    A. to camp        B. camps        C. camped      D. camping
(   ) 27. We all ______ our English teacher, and she is ______ a sister to us.
        A likes; like      B. like; like       C. like; likes    D. liked; likes
(   ) 28. Let me ______ a message for you.
        A. to take        B. take          C. takes        D. taking
(   ) 29. - ______ does it take you to the bank?
- About half an hour.
    A. What time      B. How far       C. How many    D. How long 
(   ) 30. Don’t ______ the baby. He went to sleep five minutes ago.
    A. get up         B. stay up        C. wake up       D. cut up
(   ) 31. It’s surprising that Mrs. Liu’s 5-year-old girl ______ speak English so well.
        A. can          B. can’t            C. must        D. mustn’t
(   ) 32. - May I use your computer today?
        - ______.
        A. No, you can’t.  B. Sure, no problem.  C. Not at all.   D. I don’t know.
(   ) 33. I like mutton, ______ I like beef, too.
        A. and           B. so              C. but         D. or
(   ) 34. There ______ some tea and two cakes on the table. 
     A. are           B. is              C. be           D. aren’t
(   ) 35. - Why didn’t you buy any bread?
        - Sorry, I ______.
        A. forget         B. forgot        C. remember      D. remembered
(   ) 36. Bill often ______ soccer after school, but this afternoon he ______ because it was snowy.
     A. play; doesn’t   B. plays; wasn’t   C. plays; didn’t   D. play; didn’t 
(   ) 37. - Where is Miss Zhao?
        - She ______ with our geography teacher in the office.  
     A. talks         B. is talking      C. talk         D. talked
(   ) 38. He doesn’t like to go to school on the ______ bus every day.
      A. easily         B. slowly       C. quickly       D. slow
(   ) 39. Mary wants to know ______.   
A. where Bob lives              B. wh ere does Bob lives
C. where Bob does live           D. where Bob living
(   ) 40. - Hello! May I speak to Mary?
        - ______
    A. Yes, you can.    B. I am Mary.  C. Who are you?   D. Mary speaking.
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