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It was Christmas Eve, 1881. I was 15 years old and feeling like the world was over for me. I didn’t have enough money to buy  16  the gift that I had wanted that year.
    Dad came back in and  17  was ice in his hair. “You  18  by Widow Smith’s house recently?” he asked. Widow Smith lived two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year ago and  19  her with Jack, Jane and Jill.
“I rode by just today,” Dad continued. “Little Jack was out looking for wood. They  20  run out of wood, Tom.”
    We  21  our sled (雪橇) high with wood. Then we went to the  22   and Dad bought some food , and
  23   pairs of warm shoes for all the kids in the Smith’s family. I tried to think through  24   Dad was doing. I knew we didn’t have much  25  , so why was Dad buying them so many things?
    We got to the Smith’s house and went in. “We brought a few things to you, madam,” Dad said, and   26   the bag of food on the table. Then Dad handed Widow Smith the shoes. She bit(咬住)her lower lip (下唇)  27   she could stop her tears from running down.
Just then my dream gift seemed  28  . Dad had given me the look on Widow Smith’s face and the smiles of her three children. He had given me the  29   Christmas of my life. My throat seemed to be filled with  30   and there were tears in my eyes, too.
16. A. my dad                   B. my mom                C. my friend        D. myself
17. A. he                            B. it                              C. there                D. that
18. A. have been             B. have gone             C. were                D. went
19. A. gave                       B. brought                 C. sent                  D. left
20. A. might                     B. could                     C. must                D. can’t
21. A. put                          B. placed                    C. filled                 D. covered
22. A. store                      B. farm                       C. church             D. school
23. A. one                         B. two                         C. three                D. four
24. A. when                      B. where                   C. what                D. how
25. A. food                       B. money                    C. wood              D. time
26. A. put on                    B. put down               C. put off              D. put up
27. A. even though         B. as if                       C. ever since       D. so that
28. A. unhealthy              B. unimportant         C. unhappy      D. uncomfortable
29. A. good                       B. bad                         C. best                  D. worst
30. A. something            B. anything                C. nothing            D. everything
Watching insects (昆虫) is an interesting activity in spring. Here are some tips to help you have a nice and safe insect experience:
◆ When you go out to watch insects, bring along an insect guide with pictures. A good choice would be Souvenirs Entomologiques (《昆虫记》) by French insect scientist Jean -Henri Fabre.
◆ Dress properly because some insects hurt people. Don’t forget to wear trousers and shirts. And don’t forget to get a medicine box with you.
◆ Insects like to hide in cool and wet places. Try moving stones and checking flowers, leaves and earth. You may use a magnifier to watch what insects do. How many legs do they have? What colors are they? And write down the information you get on a notebook.
◆ An important lesson is try not to trouble insects. You may want to shake the tree or pick them up, but if you are not careful, you may disturb them. If you are watching bees(蜜蜂), you’d better not be too close. But if you touch them, you may get hurt.
31. There are ______ tips mentioned in the passage.
   A. 3                B. 4               C. 5                D. 6
32. While watching insects, we bring the following things except______according to the passage.
   A. a medicine box     B. an insect guide    C. a camera          D. a notebook
33. A magnifier must be a ______.
   A.         B.    C.     D.
34. The passage comes from ______.
   A. a tour guide        B. a novel           C. a newspaper      D. a science magazine


Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than “I’m sorry”. This phrase has become such a common response (反应) that it has taken on a lot of meanings.
Sorry means to apologize. This is simple and easy to understand. It’s used all over the world.    
But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression. Imagine this: a man walks down the street, looking down at his phone. A woman is walking in the opposite direction, towards the man. She sees him, but she can’t get out of the way in time. The man bumps (碰撞) into the woman. Who should say sorry? Naturally, the man should say sorry, because it was he who wasn’t looking where he was going. Yet in Britain, it is common for both to apologize.
    It is known that British people, like most people, do not enjoy conflict (冲突). So to quick ly calm(平息) the situation, British people will apologize to each other.
    Other times it may sound funny to hear “sorry”. My British friends say it at restaurants, as they ask the waiter: “Sorry, but can I order another drink?” It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesn’t always mean exactly what you think.
35. The meaning of the underlined word “apologize” is “_______”.
A. sorry        B. thanks         C. well done         D. come on
36. The man and the woman both say “sorry” to each other because_______.
A. they are both in a hurry          C. British people always follow “ Ladies First”
C. they don’t know each other well   D. British people don’t like to have a fight with each other
37. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that_______.
  A. waiters use “sorry” to apologize to customers in Britain
B. “sorry” is widely spoken very often every day in Britain
C. “sorry” is used to ask waiters for help in restaurants in Britain
D. some people in Britain are impolite to waiters in a restaurant 
Gordon Brown was born in Scotland in 1951. His childhood was a great success because of his talent. He was accepted into middle school at 10. At 16 he became the youngest student at Edinburgh University.
At that time, he was a lucky boy, good at almost everything. After a rugby football accident, he became blind in his left eye. Before long, similar thing happened to his right eye. “I lay in the hospital in total darkness, uncertain about my future,” said Brown.
    Look back into the past, Brown didn’t think he was an unlucky person. He even said, “   ▲    , you can’t play rugby anymore, so you can have more time on other things.”
    Brown was interested in student politics (政治), which helped a lot in his political career (事业) later in life.
    In 1997, Brown was made Chancellor of the Exchequer (财政大臣). He succeeded in offering his people more jobs and the British lived a better life in his history.
    Compared with his successful career, Brown’s family life is full of downs. He lost his first daughter ten days after her birth. His 1-year-old youngest son has a deadly illness. “But n one of these accidents can beat me ….” he said.
38. Which of the following is TRUE about Gordon Brown?
A. He didn’t like politics when he was in his university.
B. He became Chancellor of the Exchequer of Britain at 48.
C. He had a successful childhood because he worked very hard.
D. He wondered what his future would be like when he became blind.
39. What can we learn about Brown’s family life from the last paragraph?
A. It is full of terrible accidents.                  B. It is as successful as his career.
C. It makes him worried about his life.   D. It helps his future career a lot.
40. Which of the following sayings can be best put in the blank?
A. It’s never too old to learn                         B. East or west, home is the best
C. Well begun is half done                    D. When one door shuts, another opens
41. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. A golden time in Britain                            B. A bright future of Britain
C. The unusual life of Gordon Brown          D. The sad story of Gordon Brown
Without any advertisement, a documentary (纪录片) named Under the Dome became popular on the Internet recently.
The 103-minute film was on Chinese video-sharing websites on Feb 28. Chai Jing who used to work for CCTV made it.
    In the film, Chai discusses the topic of smog-where it comes from and how to beat it.
    She visited many polluted places and talked to officers and scientists. She said that burning too much coal and oil are the main cause of PM2.5 and smog in China. To make things worse, according to Chai, the coal and oil we are burning is of poor quality (质量) and don’t meet the standards for environmental protection. They have produced more harmful gas (气体) .
    Chai also suggested that besides the government, every one of us could actually do something to help beat the air pollution.
    For example, instead of taking cars, we could choose subway or bus.
Also, if you find things that could harm the environment, call 12369-a hotline for environmental problems. Chai had tried it herself. When she saw a restaurant cooking and producing harmful gas, she called 12369. The problem was solved a week later.
    What’s more, if you find any pollutant source (污染源), take a picture of it and post it on weibo. Remember to add “@local environmental departments”.
Chen Jining, the leader of environmental protection, praised Chai. “This film encourages common people to pay more attention to the environment. This is what we need in the future.”
42. According to Chai, the main cause of smog is ________.
  A. too many cars in big cities              B. burning too much coal and oil
  C. cutting down too many trees            D. too many factories and companies
43. We could do something EXCEPT________ to help beat the air pollution.
A. choosing subway or bus instead of taking cars
B. burning the coal and oil of good quality more often
C. calling 12369 if we find things harming the environment
D. taking a picture of any pollutant source and post it on weibo
44. What Chen Jining said showed us that________.
A. he supported Chai’s action             B. he disagreed with Chai
C. he didn’t watch Under the Dome        D. he didn’t like Under the Dome  
45. According to the passage, we know ________.
A. Under the Dome is an advertisement about the environmental protection
B. Chai made Under the Dome to get more people to pay attention to environment
C. Chai called 12369 when she saw a restaurant cooking terrible food with bad oil
D. the coal and oil we are burning meet the standards for environmental protection         
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