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(    ) 31. CHow is it going, Bruce?
        A. On foot            B. Good idea          C. Fine, thanks
(    ) 32. Be quick! The game will begin ____________.
        A. immediately        B. recently            C. carefully    
(    ) 33. My sister used to get up late, and she ___________ does now.
        A. still               B. also                C. yet
(    ) 34. CIt’s quite hot, isn’t it?
         CSo it is. Why not __________ your thick sweater?
        A. put on            B. take off            C. try on
(    ) 35. CHow cool! Who’s the boy ____________ black glasses?
         CHaha, it’s me.
        A. on                B. in                 C. with
(    ) 36. C Is Maria at home?
         CNo, she __________ to the supermarket.
        A. goes               B. will go             C. has gone
(    ) 37. CWould you mind showing me _____________ bottle? 
         COf course not. How about that one with flowers?
        A. other              B. another             C. the others
(    ) 38. Sorry, I don’t know parking ___________ here.
        A. doesn’t allow       B. isn’t allowed         C. won’t allow
(    ) 39. She dare not invite anyone to practice ___________ English with her.
        A. speaks            B. to speak              C. speaking
(    ) 40. CA ticket for speeding!
        A. I am sorry         B. Here you are          C. You’re welcome
(    ) 41. C____________ will the dinner be ready?
         CDon’t worry! It will be served at once.
        A. How long         B. How soon            C. How often
(    ) 42. CWhy do you like living in the countryside?
         CBecause there’s ______________ noise and ____________ traffic there.
        A. less, less          B. fewer, less            C. less, fewer 
(    ) 43. COur class _____________ Class Two in the last football match.
        A. hit               B. won                C. beat
(    ) 44. C Could you tell us _____________ tomorrow?
         CTo Summer Palace first, then to Beihai Park.
        A. when to travel        B. where to travel       C. whether to travel
(    ) 45. ___________ you __________ Tim has to walk home since there is no bus.
        A. Both, and            B. Neither, nor         C. Not only, but also
Ш. 完形填空:从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(计15分)
    A long time ago, there was an emperor. One day, he told his horseman(养马人) that if he could ride on his horse and   46   as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered. So the horseman    47   jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He   48 __ riding and riding, even when he was hungry or tired. He did not stop   49 _ he wanted more land. When he at last covered a large number of land, he was dying. Then he asked himself, “Why did I make    50   so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very   51   area to bury(埋葬) myself.”
     The above story is similar to the journey of our life . We push ourselves very hard every day to make more  52 . We forget our health, time with our family and to enjoy the surrounding   53   and the things we love to do. One day when we look   54  , we will find that we don’t really need that much. But then we can not turn back time for  55   we have missed. Life is not about making money. Life is not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.
(     ) 46. A. use                                  B. cover              C. work
(     ) 47. A. suddenly                        B. slowly             C. quickly
(     ) 48. A. kept on                           B. asked for          C. gave up
(     ) 49. A. but                                  B. so                        C. because
(     ) 50. A. himself                           B. myself             C. itself
(     ) 51. A. big              B. clean              C. small
(     ) 52. A. money           B. mistakes           C. friends
(     ) 53. A. people           B. beauty             C. condition
(     ) 54. A. out              B. back              C. up
(     ) 55. A. what             B. who               C. how
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