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牛津译林版英语8B Unit5 Reading II导学案
8B Unit5 Reading II
1.He is my ____________friend of all.(close)
2.The gentleman stood up ____________(polite) when the lady came into the room.
3.I knocked ____________(loud),but Zily didn’t hear it.
4.All singers kept together.As a result,their show was______________.(success)
5.Look!The sign says “No ___________.” (litter)
6. At the end of the story, the professor came back from some _______________ (hide) hole.
7.Why not learn _______________ (cook) with me at my uncle’s restaurant?
8.The English book was so popular that 20,000 _______________ (册) were sold out in a week.
9. _______________ (管理) a company is much harder than you think.
10. It’s the _______________ (丑陋的) city I have ever seen in this beautiful country.
(    )1.It was _______ noisy that we couldn’t hear _______ he said at the meeting.
     A. so; that      B. so; what      C.such; what     D. such; that
(    )2.Li Ming is _______ shy ________ hand up to answer the question.
     A.so;that      B.such;that      C.too;to      D.enough;to
(    )3.What do you do if someone is _________ your way?
     A.by     B.on      C.in      D.at
(    )4.70% of the earth ________covered with water.   
A. are   B. is  C. were  D. being
(    )5.---What do you think of Bill?     ---I used to think that he ________ honest boy.
A. was an     B.is an     C.were a     D.has been a
(    )6.I_______in Shanghai, but now I________in Beijing.
      A.was used to live,am used to live          B.used to living,used to live
      C.used to live,am used to living            D.was used to living,used to living
(    )7.---She never tells a lie,_______? ---_______.She is honest.
      A.is she; Yes     B.does she;No     C.isn’t she; No      D.doesn’t she;Yes
(    )8.I think __________ rude to _________ before others.
      A.it;push in      B.that;bump into       C.its;queue for      D.this;push past
(    )9.---I’m sorry I don’t know the table manners in China.  ---_____.I’ll tell you some later.
      A.Never mind    B.Of course.    C.You’re welcome      D.That is great.
(    )10. Mary didn’t know who _______ the problem she met with at that time.
      A. to talk about     B. to talk to about     C. will take to about     D. will to talk
(    )11.All the students agreed to go to Qingdao by _______ sea and camp by _______ sea.
      A. the; a            B. / the               C. /; /            D. a; the
(    )12.Do you know how long the meeting has _______?
      A. lasted            B. held               C. over          D. begun
(    )13.―Be careful! A car may hit you.   ―Thank you! I _______ I _______ so close to the road.
      A. didn’t know; am standing               B. don’t know; am standing
      C. didn’t know; was standing              D. didn’t know; would stand
(    )14. ―_____ I wash the clothes now?   ―No, you ______. You _______ clean the room first.
      A. Must; don’t have to; may               B. Must; needn’t to; must
      C. Must; mustn’t; can                    D. Shall; may; may
1.The young lady is polite enough _________________(wait) for a long time.
2.The children _________________(sleep) when the earthquake started.
3.I _________________ (interview) more than ten businessmen so far.
4.---What’s your plan for the coming holiday?  ---I________________ (visit)Beijing if possible.
5.Mmm.How delicious the sandwich_________  _____ (taste)!
6.You __________________ (drive). Don’t talk on the mobile phone.
7.I__________________(lose) my key, so I have to walk home.
8.There’re many patients_________________ (wait) for the doctor to come.
9.It’s quite a long time since I _________________(hear) from my cousin in America.
10.I’m certain you’ll get a good result if you _______________(be not) careless in the test.
1.British people greet relatives with a kiss. (划线提问)_______ _______ British people greet relatives?
2.British people are very polite at home as well,__________ ___________? (反义疑问句)
3.I may keep the magazines for another two days. (划线提问)
_________ __________ ___________ I __________ the magazines?
4.I find they are really exciting.(同义句) = I find ___________ really ____________.
5.She has to take her daughter from school in the afternoon. (划线提问)
_________ _________ she _________ _________ __________ in the afternoon?
6.You may eat and drink in the park. (用in the library改写成否定句)
You ___________ eat__________drink in the library.
1. She _____________ us ____________ ____________ ____________ while she was walking past.
2.I’m ______  ___ she______________ do __________ you tell her我保证她会按你告诉她的去做。
3.Tom tried _________ _____________ _____________ my questions. Tom试图避而不答我的问题。
4.The boy hurt his leg _______________________________________.这男孩在登山中意外弄伤腿。
She is ____________________________________________________________ different problems.
6.---Why is Linlin practicing speaking English? ---____________________________.为了出国深造。
7._________________________________, “Time is money.”常言道,“时间就是金钱。”
8._______________________________________________is impolite.在公共场合大笑是不礼貌的。
9.Jim is__________________________________ about manners吉姆年纪不小了,可以学学礼仪了。
April 22 is World Earth Day. It is a day to remind (提醒) us to c___________ (1) about our earth. The earth faces a lot of p___________ (2). What are they? What can we do to help her?
We call the Earth our “mother”. If the earth is really a mother, she must be very s_________ (3). She has a lot of problems to deal with. 
Global (全球的) warming is a very big problem in the world. It makes the earth h_________ (4) and changes the weather. It also makes the sea level (海平线) r_________ (5). If this goes on, some places like the Maldives (马尔代夫), St Petersburg in Russia and Bangkok in Thailand, may h_________ (6) under water in just a few dozen years.
Another problem is water pollution. We can only use 3 percent of the earth’s water. And people throw w_________ (7) and pour dirty water into rivers and the sea. Almost 884 m_________ (8) people don’t have clean water to drink. Besides, humans are using up n_________ (9) resources (资源). According to a report from BP (英国石油公司), there will be no coal to use on the earth by 2158 and oil (油) will dry up b_________ (10) 2050.
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