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牛津译林版英语8B Unit5 Integrated Skills导学案
课题:8B Unit 5 Integrated Skills 
1. explain (v.) 解释
explain to sb. 向某人解释    explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事   explain后也可加从句
他解释了为什么开会迟到。 He ________ _________ he was ________ _________ the meeting.
Can you ________ _______ ________ how this computer works?
   Our maths teacher always spends lots of time _________ difficult problems _________ us.
2. keep us safe from danger 使我们安全,免受危险
   keep sb. from sth. 使某人免受……     keep …away from … 使……远离……
   使我们的头发远离火 ________ our hair _________ ________ fire
   使孩子们远离危险的动物   __________ the children _________ _________ dangerous animals
   keep sb. from doing sth. = stop / prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
   keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事
   大雨阻止了飞机的起飞。The heavy rain _____________ the plane from ________ ________.
   对不起,让你等了这么久。I’m sorry, I’ve _________ you __________ for a long time.
3. warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不)要做某事
   他提醒我们务必小心。He __________ us ________ _________ _________.
   我警告过你不要抄袭别人的家作。 I ________ you _______ ______ ______ others’ homework.
4. Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. 对不起,我刚才没有注意到那个标牌。
   notice (v.) 注意到,察觉到,留心到
notice sb. do sth.  注意到某人做了某事    notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事
   你注意到杰克进来了吗? Did you _________ Jack ________ in?
   我注意到她的手正在发抖。I __________ her hands ___________.
★  课中参与
一. 词汇
1. Can you just keep your voice down in ____________ (公共的) places?
2. The teacher is patient enough to _____________ (解释) th problem to us many times.
3. The police _____________ (警告) the man of the danger before he went into the mountain.
4. After a few year of hard work, he became a very _____________ (成功) businessman.
5. I hope to visit your new house ____________ ( 某时) next week.
6. Let’s go on with our ____________ (discuss) after lunch.
7. Suzy was too excited to express herself ___________ (clear).
8. Didn’t you see th sign “No __________ (park)” on the wall?
9. Young people should talk to the old ____________ (polite) enough.
10.It will make the work much ___________ (easy) to finish if you ask your father for help.
(     ) 1. You must _________ me the reason why you came so late this morning.
         A. excuse             B. explain              C. explain to          D. pardon
(     ) 2. ---Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS!   
---Oh, sorry. I _________ it.
         A. don’t see         B. didn’t see          C. haven’t seen      D. won’t see
(     ) 3. The problem is ___________ hard for me _________ work out.
         A. enough; to              B. too; to               C. very; to             D. enough; that I can’t
(     ) 4. We should try to keep __________ from danger.
         A. us safe            B. ourselves safe    C. us safely           D. ourselves safely
(     ) 5. There are some dangerous fishes in this river, and I’ve warned Jack _________ here.
         A. not to swim     B. to not swim              C. swim not to              D. to swim not
(     ) 6. ---Is your mother at home?  --- No, she _____________ for an hour.
         A. went out          B. has gone out      C. was out         D. has been out
(     ) 7. I like the famous painting __________ Picasso very much.
         A. for                  B. about                C. by                    D. on
(     ) 8. I couldn’t get through because your car was _______________.
         A. on my way      B. in my way         C. in some ways     D. by the way
(     ) 9. Hard work can bring you ________ , but if you are lazy, you won’t become ________.
         A. success; successful                        B. successful; successful   
C. successful; success                        D. success; success
(     ) 10.The teacher spent plenty of time ________ the problem _________ the boy, but he still didn’t know how to work it out.
         A. on explaining; for                        B. in explaining; to
         C. explaining; for                           D. to explain; to
1. The yong man ______________ (take) some medicine, but he is still feeling cold.
2. I warned her ______________ (not go) near the tiger, but she didn’t listen to me.
3. Jason was in a hurry and didn’t stop _______________ (say) “Hello” to us.
4. --- Did you notice anybody come in?  --- No, I _______________ (read) a story.
5. My mother is too busy ______________ (do) housework _____________ (help) me these days.
6. It will be very dangerous to swim alone if you __________ (not be) careful enough.
7. It’s a long way, so it’s best for us to take turns ______________ (drive). 
8. If you keep _____________ (practise) English every day, you will be better at it.
9. How heavily it _______________ (rain)! We have to stay at home today..
1. 公共标志经常是颜色鲜亮并有图片在上面。
   ________ ________ are often ________ _______ _______ and have pictures on them.
2. 他们中许多给我们有用的信息。Most of them give us __________ ____________.
3. 我没有注意他说的话。I didn’t _________ _________ _________ ________.
4. 我们看电影的时候应该保持安静。We should __________ _________ while _______ films.
5. 直到他告诉我,我才注意到这个公共标志。I _____ _______ that public sign ______ he told me.
6. 他足够有耐心给我们解释一切。
He ________ _________ ________ _______ ________ everything ________ us.
7. 我们应该保护我们的孩子远离危险。We should _______ our children _______ ______ _______.
8. 爸爸刚才警告他不能再打电脑游戏了。
  His father ________ him ________ ________ _______computer games _______ ______just now.
1. John was so strong that he could move the big stone. (同义句)
John was _________ __________ __________ move the big stone.
2. My grandfather is so old that he can’t travel around. (同义句)
My grandfather is _________ __________ ________ travel around.
3. Jack is too young to dress himself. (同义句) Jack isn’t ________ ________ ________ dress himself.
4. It took the farmer the whole morning to grow the vegetables.. (同义句)
The farmer _________ _________ the morning ___________ the vegetables.
5. The sign means “No eating”. (划线部分提问) _________ _________ the sign _________?
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