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IX阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分 满分40分)
       Books are our best friends.They are very quiet, but we can always find both fun and knowledge once we open them.Here are two good books you can read during the holiday.
  The little Prince(王子)
  French Writer: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(安托万 ・ 德圣埃克)
  Both adults and children love this classic book.It is about the adventure of a young prince.It shows the importance of innocence (纯真), imagination and love.
  The little prince comes from planet B -612.In his eyes, adults are all very strange.Unlike them, he sees the essence (本质) of things.He cares more about a flower and a sheep than the 'important' things of the adult world.
  The prince lives on his planet with a rose.He loves the rose very much.But he soon feels tired and leaves his planet.He meets many more strange adults on other planets.
  On Earth, he discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox.The fox tells him a secret: Only the heart can discover the most important things.This helps the prince realize his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.
  To Succeed on One' s Own
  American Writer: Liu Yong
  Writer Liu Yong from Taiwan wrote this book for his daughter.It can help young people succeed.
       The book teaches you about student, how to use your free time and even what kind of clothes to wear.It answers many teenagers’ most common questions.Liu uses his daughter' s stories as examples to help readers understand the principles(原则).
       His book is far from boring.There are lively stories and dialogues, with objective analysis (客观分析), hope and confidence (信心) from a good father.
76.Where does the writer of 'The little Prince' come from?
       A.England.          B.France.             C.America.            D.China.
77.What does the prince do after the fox tells him a secret?
      A.He cares more about a flower and a sheep.
       B.He meets many more strange adults on other planets.
       C.He discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox.
     D.He realizes his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.
78.What does 'The little Prince' mainly talk about?
   It' s about _________.
    A.the adult world                                  B.the planet B -612
       C.a rose and a fox                                  D.the adventure of a young prince
79.Who did Liu Yong write the book 'To Succeed on One' s Own' for _________?
       A.His daughter.                                  B.His students.
       C.Teenagers.                                           D.Young people.
80.From the passage, we know that we can always find_________in books.
  A.the importance of teenagers’, imagination and love
  B.the answers to many of teenagers' most common questions
  C.the objective analysis, hope and confidence
       D.both fun and knowledge
       There are many wetlands(湿地) in China and some of them have become the world's important wetlands.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them.They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals.The world's largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve(自然保护区) is in them.More than 700 milu deer live freely there.There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.
       The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low.There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too.They are really good places for wildlife(野生生物)。 Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands.Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood.But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings.This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.
       Luckily,more and more people are beginning to realize the important of wetlands and wildlife.Every year, on February 2nd,many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.
81.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.
  A.east                        B.south                 C.west                       D.north
82.Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.
  A.hot                         B.pleasant             C.cold                       D.dry
83.The World Wetlands Day is on _______.
  A.April 22                 B.June 25             C.February 2              D.March 22
84.We must protect wetlands because _______.
       A.they are home for wildlife                      B.they can prevent flood
  C.they can offer food to the animals and birds  D.all of the above
85.The best title for the passage is _______.
  A.China's Wetlands Have All Entered the World's List
  B.Wetlands-Home for Wildlife and Human Beings
  C.Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands
  D.Wetlands-Valuable Recourses(珍贵资源) of Land on the Earth
       I shook hands with my father in the truck, and for a long time he looked straight ahead and didn't say a word.But I knew he was going to say a little to me.'I can't tell anything.'  he finally said.“I never went to college, and none of your brothers went to college.I can't say don't do this and do that, because everything is different and I don't know what is going to come up.I can't help much with money either, but I think things will work out.”
  He gave me a new check-book(支票簿).“If things get pushing, write a small check.But when you write one, send me a letter and let me know how much.There are some things we can always sell.” In four years all the checks I wrote were less than a thousand dollars.My part-time jobs such as reading to the blind student and sitting with the teachers' kids filled in the financial gaps
  'You know what you want to be, and they'll tell you what to take,' my father went on.“When you get a job, be sure it's honest, and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be alone in the big town, and I would be missing the cool winds and a life where your thinking was done for you.
  Then my dad reached down beside his seat and brought the old, broken Bible(圣经)that he had read so often, the one he used when he wanted to look something up in a friendly quarrel with one of the neighbours.I knew he would miss it.I knew, though, that I must take it.
  He didn't say read this every morning.He just said,' This can help you if you will let it.”
  Did it help? I got through college without being a burden(负担) on the family.I have been able to make money since.
86.What is the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?
  A.To tell the readers his life story.
  B.To tell people what kind of person his father was.
  C.To let people know how poor he was.
  D.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.
87.Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that?
  A.Because he felt quite confident of his son.
  B.Because he was born from a poor family.
  C.Because he was a man of few words.
  D.Because he didn't want to be much too strict with his son.
88.What would someone learn from this passage?
  A.How to live by oneself.                                   B.How to stand on one's own feet.
  C.What a good father should do.                   D.What the self-important is like.
89.What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage?
  A.闲暇时光              B.学费                      C.经济不足               D.精神空虚
90.What kind of book did the Bible seem to be to the writer's father?
  A.It was a book which told you how you should get on well with others.
  B.There were many good examples for you to copy in it.
  C.It was a book that told you how to get a good job and a good future.
  D.It was a good book that could help you when you were in trouble.
       Strange things happen when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones (时区).The time difference between two zones is one hour.You can have days with more than twenty-four hours and days with fewer than twenty- four hours.You can have weeks with more than seven days and weeks with fewer than seven days.
       If you make a five-day trip (旅行) across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋) , your ship come into a different time zone every day.As you come into each zone, the time changes one hour.If you travel west, you set your watch back.If you travel east, you set it ahead (向前).Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
       If you make a trip by ship across the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) , you cross the International Date Line(国际日期变更线).This is the point where a new day begins when you cross the line, you change one full day.If you travel east, today becomes yesterday, if you travel west it is tomorrow.     
91.Something interesting will happen to the time if you travel because_____.
       A.a day has always fewer than twenty-four hours
       B.a day has always more than twenty- four hours
       C.a day has more or f ewer than twenty-four hours
       D.some time zones are large and some time zones are small
92.The time difference between two time zones is_______.
       A.twenty-four hours                                    B.one hour
       C.two hours                                                D.twenty-three hours
93.If we cross the Atlantic Ocean, we_______.
       A.change one full day
       B.set our watch back
       C.set our watch ahead
       D.set our watch back or ahead
94.If we travel east across the International Date Line on July 5th, the date becomes July______.
       A.3rd                     B.4th                     C.5th                           D.6th
95.The Atlantic Ocean________.
       A.is in one time zone
       B.is divided into twenty-four zones
       C.is divided into five time zones
       D.can not be crossed in five days
96.If you want to use the bag, you should e_________(倒空)it first.
97.Do you know what your p_________(父母的) favorite colors are?
98.Our teachers are always p__________(耐心的) when we make mistakes.
99.My friend Tom never eats junk food.And he is h__________(健康的)than me.
100.Dad got his watch r_________(修理) yesterday afternoon.
假如你是Amy,请你给Mr. Smith写一封信,向他请教一些问题,内容包括:
Dear sir,
Ⅰ.(5分)1―5 BBCAC
II.(10分)6-10  ABCBA   11-15 CABBC
III.(5分)16-20 BAACC
IV.(5分)21-25 ACCBA
V.(5分)26.June  27.playground   28.nature 29.feed  30.leave
31-35 BBCAA     36-40 BCBBD  41-45 BDCCA      46-50 CBABD
51-55 BACDA    56-60 BACBD   61-65 ADCCB    66-70 DABCB
71-75  DGCEA
76-80 BDDAD       81-85 ABCDB   86-90DABCD        91-95CBDBC
X.单词拼写(5分) 96.empty     97.parents’   98.patient     99.healthier   100.repaired
One Possible Version:
Dear sir,
       How are you! These days I’m worried about my problems.I’m crazy about pop music and pop singers.I often spend a lot of time in listening to music and it often takes me a lot of money to buy new CDS.I can’t finish my homework on time.I’m not doing well in my study.My parents and teachers are not pleased with me, so they ask me to give up my hobby.I don’t know what to do.Could you give me some advice? I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
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