12999英语网 手机版
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1.A.Food.                     B.Foot.                     C.Good.
2.A.Last.                      B.Past.                     C.Fast.
3.A.Look up.                  B.Took up.                 C.Put up.
4.A.Driving.                  B.Diving.                        C.Saving.
5.A.Best.                    B.Strongest.               C.Most famous.
6.Where is the train station?
A.Next to the park.              B.Behind the park.           C.In front of the park.
7.How is Paul?
A.He's better now.               B.He hasn't got well yet.      C.He feels very cold.
8.Where is Jimmy now?
   A.At home                        B.At the cinema.           C.In the library.
9.What does the woman mean?
    A.The winter has just begun.  B.It has snowed for some time.C.It will snow soon.
10.How much are the cards altogether?
A.4 yuan.                            B.1 yuan.                            C.2 yuan.
11.What’s the possible relationship between them?
       A.Father and son.           B.Twin brothers.            C.Teacher and student.
12.What does the man’s reply mean?
      A.The match is just so-so.  
       B.The match is very great   
       C.The match is boring.
13.Where did Sue go for her vacation?
       A.Beijing.                      B.Hangzhou.                C.Hainan.
14.What did Sue think of the traffic there?
      A.It was excellent.         B.It was terrible.         C.It was not bad.
15.Why did Sue go shopping every day?
      A.The fruits were nice there.            
       B.She could make friends there. 
       C.She needed to buy some books there.
16.How many goals did Tack’s team score?
      A.Three.                    B.Two.                     C.One.
17.What do we know about the woman?
      A.She watched the game on TV.     
       B.She knew about the game over the radio.
       C.She watched the match at the stadium.
18.When is Jack’s next match?
       A.On Friday this week.    B.On Friday next week.   C.On Saturday this week.
19.Where were they yesterday evening?
      A.At home.                B.At the cinema.          C.At the restaurant.
20.Who will drive this time?
      A.The man.                    B.The woman.            C.The waiter.
21.What time will they leave?
      A.At 7:30.                    B.At 7:20.                 C.At 7:00.
22.Why does the woman ask the man to hold on?
      A.Because she will go and meet him.    
       B.Because she wants to ask him to pay.
       C.Because she wants to tell him she will pay.
23.What does the mother say when the girl has something difficult to do?
       A.“I will help you.”         B.“Do it yourself.”         C.“Ask the teacher for help.”
24.Whom did the girl see a dentist with?
       A.Nobody.                 B.Her classmates.           C.Her father.
25.What does the girl think of her mother?
       A.A busy mother.           B.A good teacher.          C.A hard-working woman.
第二部分  笔试部分
26.――Could I ask you a few questions?
      A.Do it.              B.Sure.                C.What a good idea. D.Forget it.
27.――Could you tell me how to get to the Yellowstone National Park from here?
  ――_________.Maybe you can ask the policeman over there.
       A.A piece of cake                                        B.That depends  
       C.I don’t care                                       D.Sorry, I’m new here.
28.――Did Lily use to be short?
       ――________       , but he is tall now.
       A.No, she did.         B.No, she didn’t.    C.Yes, she did.         D.Yes, she do.
29.――How do you study for a test?
  ――I study by             
      A.practice with my friend                        B.ask for the teacher    
       C.working with a group                      D.laughing at the others
30.――How do you like our new teacher?
  ――Very _______.He often says something funny to make us laugh.
      A.helpful            B.humorous           C.popular               D.outgoing
31.――Mom, my little sister is crying all the time.
  ――Mary, be ________! She feels unwell.You should take good care of her.
      A.patient                B.lazy                    C.polite                  D.fair
32.――Dinner will be ready soon.Could you please _______ the table?
  ――No problem.
      A.send                B.lay                  C.do                  D.tie
33.――Jack _______ takes part in social activities.
  ――Yes, he isn’t like his brother, who is always active.
       A.seldom             B.just                 C.still                 D.usually
34.――The _________ of study is to be completed within a year.
  ――I hope it will help improve ourselves.
      A.secret              B.course              C.direction             D.treat
35.――Could you tell me what happened?
  ――I’m not going to tell you about it.It’s _________.
      A.certain              B.wonderful           C.perfect               D.private
36.――Fights in action movies have a bad _______ on teenagers.
  ――I agree with you.
      A.habit                B.opinion             C.lesson               D.influence
37.――He walked such a long way just to tell us the result.
  ――Oh, he needn’t come ________.
      A.in trouble            B.in person           C.in public             D.in general
38.――I wonder if you _______ a picnic tomorrow.
  ――Yes.But if it _______, we’ll visit the museum instead.
      A.have; rains                                              B.will have; rains     
       C.have; will rain                                           D.will have; will rain
39.――Why should I correct that mistake right now, Mum?  It’s OK, I think..
  ――Well, honey, it will _______ big trouble in the future.
      A.add to                 B.say to              C.point to              D.lead to
40.――I think I’m lost.Could you tell me _________?
  ――Go straight up the street about two blocks, then turn left.
       A.where is the railway station                     
       B.how I can get to the railway station
       C.whether I can get to the railway station     
       D.what could I do to get to the railway station
       I believe listening is a powerful medicine.
       It was Sunday .I had the last  41  to see and I got into her room .She was an old woman , sitting on the bed , trying to   42   her socks .Usually I said something like this : “How are you feeling ? The nurse says your son is visiting you today.I believe you are   43   seeing him.”
       She   44   me with a serious voice , “Sit down , doctor .This is my story , not yours .”
       I was surprised and   45  .I sat down and helped her with the socks .She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her ,  46   she had not seen him for five years .She believed her health problems were worse because of   47   her son .After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks , I asked if there was    48   I could do for her .She   49   her head and smiled .All she wanted me to do was to   50 
       Each story is   51  .Some are clear; others are not.Some are true; others are not , yet all those things do not really  52  .What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard .
       Listening to someone’s story costs nothing but it is the key to healing (康复).I often  53  what the woman taught me , and I   54   myself of the importance of stopping , sitting down and truly listening .I  55 the power of listening .
41.A.doctor                   B.nurse                     C.patient                    D.student
42.A.take off                  B.get off                   C.clean out                D.put on
43.A.looking forward to                                    B.asking for             
       C.going on                                                  D.worrying about
44.A.impressed              B.stopped                   C.asked                      D.greeted
45.A.excited                   B.mad                       C.embarrassed            D.angry
46.A.or                         B.so                          C.but                         D.if
47.A.missing                  B.loving                    C.understanding          D.meeting
48.A.nothing else            B.anything else           C.nothing                   D.everything
49.A.shook                     B.dropped                  C.waved                    D.moved
50.A.see                         B.smell                      C.listen                     D.feel
51.A.terrible                  B.different           C.similar                    D.true
52.A.happen                   B.appear                    C.matter                    D.change
53.A.think of                 B.dream of                C.lead to                    D.laugh at
54.A.teach                      B.ask                         C.remind                   D.cheer
55.A.talk about              B.show off                C.believe in               D.run out of
       4、很想去北京玩,想知道哪里有吃北京烤鸭(Beijing Duck)的好地方;
关键词:used to, become interested in , get on well with ;
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