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6. What was David doing when the accident happened?
A. He was walking along the street.          B. He was crossing the street.
C. He was standing on the street corner.
7. Which part of David's body was hurt?
   A. His left arm.          B. His left leg.         C. His right leg.
8. Why is the woman feeling nervous?
   A. She’s going to study in Switzerland.          B. She knows little about Swiss culture.
   C. She has no friends in Switzerland.
9. What does the people care about in Switzerland?
A. watches.            B. friends.            C. Time
10. How much money will Jenny borrow from her friend?
    A. £30             B. $30              C.¥30
11. What will Jenny do on her way home?
    A. Buy a book.        B. Repair her bike.      C. Buy a book and repair her bike.
12. Where are Alice and Jack talking?
    A. In the same office.          B. On the phone.         C. In Alice’s office.
13. Where did Alice stay during the holiday?
A. In a hotel hear Snowdon.     B. In the mountains near Snowdon.
    C. In the town of Snowdon.
14. What was the weather like when Alice traveled in the country?
    A. Sunny.            B. Rainy.             C. Sometimes it rained.
15. What did Dan do yesterday morning?
A. He watched a football match.             B. He played tennis with his friends.
C. He worked a little at his computer.
16.Where was Dan yesterday afternoon?
   A. At home.             B. At a gym.          C. In his office.
17.When did the girl go to bed last night?
A. At about 9:00.         B. At about 10.        C. At about 11:00.
18. Why does Harry look terrible?
   A. He goes out too late.          B. He is ill.              C. He works so hard.
19. Why is Harry busy preparing for the exams?
   A. He didn’t do much last term.                    B. The exam is in two weeks’time. 
   C. He wants to get better grades than Jodie.
20.What does Harry agree with Jodie about?
A. He should study harder.   B. He should stay up all night.  C. He does need some exercise.
21. Where does Franco Work?
   A. In a factory.        B. In a hospital.        C. In an office.
22. How long is his summer holiday every year?
   A. 30 days.           B. 15 days.            C. 7 days.
23. How did he go to San Francisco?
   A. By plane.          B. By sea.             C. By train.
24. What did he see when he arrived at San Francisco?
   A. A poster.          B. A letter.              C. A friend.
25. What did he do in San Francisco?
   A. He traveled in the countryside.            B. He helped the injured people
   C. He talked to the people there.
26. Here’s         useful book .          book is written by Bill Gates.
    A. a; The        B. a; A       C. an; The        D. an; A
27. ---When shall we start, today or tomorrow? 
---           is OK. You decide.
    A.Neither       B.Both            C.Either          D.None
28. Mr. Black is strongly _____ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom.
A. up              B. down           C. for              D. against
29. --- A second-hand computer is much           than a new one.
    ---That’s true, but I’d like a new one.
    A. better           B. cheaper           C. bigger         D. smaller
30. ---Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult?
    ---Yes. I could           work it out.
A.hardly         B.easily           C.finally          D.nearly
31. ---Why are you still here? It's so late.
    ---Because I           my work. Don't worry. It's almost done.
A. wasn't finishing  B. wouldn't finish  C. haven't finished   D. won't finish
32. --- Is he still raising money for charity?
---Yes. He never _______hope of helping poor children.
A. gives up         B. gives out       C. gives back        D. gives away
33. ---You should            your teacher’s advice if you want to improve your science.
---That sounds great.
    A. get             B. catch           C. follow         D. hear
34. ---        are the Winter Olympic Games held?
---Every four years.
A. How far         B. How often        C. How soon       D. How long
35. She looked at the beautiful scarf and wondered          .
 A. how much does it cost               B. how much it costs
 C. how much did it cost                D. how much it cost
36.. ---Bob has got his trousers dirty again!
---Don’t be angry with him.        , he’s only a five-year-old child.
A. After all      B. Above all    C. First of all    D. That’s all
37. You          be tired after playing sports for a long time without a rest.
    A. need            B. must           C. can              D. should
38. --- Many trees            around our school last spring.
    ---The more trees, the better.
    A. were planting     B. planted       C. were planted     D. are planted
39. Of the following four,           is in June.
    A. Teachers’ Day    B. Christmas Day    C. Mother’s Day    D. Father’s Day
40. --- I’ll be away on holiday. Would you mind looking after my pet?
---Not at all.          .
A.I’ve no time              B.I’d rather not  
    C.You can leave               D.I’d be glad to
三、 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
       I worked for a short time as a waiter at a    41   a few months ago. I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very   42  . One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet   43  the floor near one of the tables. I guessed I should check it to find out   44   was the owner, but I was very busy at the time. And I imagined that    45   there was something valuable in the wallet, the owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour    46   a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I    47  him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his    48  . He asked me if I had opened   49  , and when I told him “no”. At once he opened it   50   showed that it had nearly $ 800 in cash. He took out a twenty-dollar bill and   51    it to me and I was amazed at this.
   Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been    52    if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if I had no way to    53  the owner and no one returned to get it, I might keep it. But it also came into my   54   that I actually saved someone’s Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. The good feeling it gave me was worth more than   55  we could buy with money.
41. A. bookshop         B. hotel           C. hospital          D. restaurant
42. A. interesting      B. busy           C. boring            D. tiring
43. A. on               B. in             C. behind            D. under
44. A. what             B. when           C. how               D. who
45. A. because           B. if             C. as                D. though
46. A. ago              B. after           C. later             D. before
47. A. asked            B. made            C. let                D. ordered
48. A. excuses           B. greetings        C. thanks           D. wishes
49. A. it                B. one            C. itself             D. them
50. A. but              B. and            C. so                 D. or
51. A. lent              B. sold            C. handed            D. brought
52. A. wise             B. careful         C. kind              D. honest
53. A. catch            B. miss           C. get               D. find
54. A. head             B. mind           C. heart              D. idea
55. A. anybody          B. nobody         C. anything           D. nothing
    Father said that he would ____________________ on the way home from work. (pick)
    At present people complain that the speed of the Internet is too slow but the cost is too high.    They hope the government ______________________ some ways to raise the speed and slow down the cost right now.  (come)
    Many old buildings_____________________ and new buildings are being built. (pull)
    The most beautiful woman teacher, Zhang Lili who saved the students bravely and lost her own legs ________________________ by all Chinese people.(look)
    To save the elephants, we shouldn’t buy things _________________ivory. (make)
    The government should _____________________ in controlling the house price. (play)
    Mulan dressed up like a boy and __________________ to fight in the army .(take)
84. 这位英语老师在英语试卷上羞辱了学生,有必要向这位学生道歉.
It is necessary for the English teacher ________________________  the student because she shamed him on the English paper. (say)
    近年来广场舞越来越流行。在公园、小区甚至一些空地旁常能看到跳舞的人们。上周, Helping Hands Club进行了一项问卷调查。请你根据调查结果写一篇英语短文,并谈一谈对此事的看法。
赞成:● 是健康的生活方式, 跳舞能锻炼身体
          ● 可以结交有共同爱好的朋友
          ● 人人都有权利(right)在广场和空地等公共场所开展活动
反对:● 音乐声音太大,影响附近居民的正常生活
          ● 媒体报道噪音扰民引起打架伤人
你的看法:● ……
要求:1. 所写内容必须包含以上信息,可适当发挥。
      2. 自拟你对广场舞现象的看法,不少于两点。
      3. 文章不少于90词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
      4. 语句通顺,语法正确,条理清楚,字迹工整。
      5. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。
       Square dancing is becoming popular and popular in recent years. It is often seen at squares, parks or even open spaces. Last week Helping Hands Club made a survey on square dancing.________________________________________________________________________
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