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B.听对话 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每段对话听两遍。
(  )6. Where can they eat?
      A. In the library               B. In the dinning hall       C. In the classroom
(  )7. Why do they want to see the pandas?
      A. Because they are interesting.  B. Because they are cute.    C. Because they are funny.
(  )8. What kind of animals does Tina like?
      A. She likes tigers.            B. She likes lions.          C. She likes pandas.
(  )9. How did Tina go to school today?
      A. By bus.                   B. On foot.               C. By train
(  )10.What time does Rick usually get up?
      A. At 6:13                   B. At 6:33.                C. At 6:30.
(  )11. What is Betty’s father doing?
      A.Reading in the bedroom.     B. Sleeping in the bedroom.   C. Cleaning the bedroom.
(  )12. What is Mary doing?
      A. Listening to music.         B. Watching TV.            C. Doing housework.
(  )13. Where are they going to?
      A. The zoo.                 B. The supermarket.          C. The school.
(  )14. How far is the village from the boy’s home?
      A. About twenty kilometers.   B. About thirty kilometers.    C. About forty kilometers.
(  )15. How will they go to the village?
      A. By car.                  B. By bus.                 C. By bike.
C听短文 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答问句的最佳答案。短文听两遍。
(  )16. How many people are there in Mario’s family?
      A. Three.                  B. Four.                    C. Five.
(  )17. How long does it take his father to go to work by bus?
      A. Half an hour.            B. An hour.                  C. Two hours.  
(  )18. What does his mother do?
      A. A history teacher.         B. A Japanese teacher.         C. A Chinese teacher.
(  )19. How does his brother go to school?
      A. Takes a bus to school.     B. Rides a bike to school.       C. Walks to school.
(  )20. How far is it from Mario’s house to the school?
      A. Only 400 meters.         B. Only 400 kilometers.        C. Only 40 kilometers.
二.单项填空 (本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
(   )26. --Does Alice go to school by ______ bus?
       --No. She usually rides ______ bike to go to school.
A. /; a            B.the; a            C. a; the            D. / ; /
(   )27.--Thank you ______ helping me ______ my English.
      --You are welcome.
A.for; about       B.for; with         C.to; with           D.with; for 
(   )28.--Can Mike ______ Japanese.
      --Yes, he can.
A.say            B.talk             C. speak            D.tell 
(   )29.I’m very sad because there are ______ rules in my new school.
A.many too       B. too many        C.much too          D.too much
(   )30. -- ______ is it from the village t the city?
       --It’s about fifty kilometers.
A. How far      B.How many         C.How much         D.How long 
(   )31. Work hard, and your dream can ______.
A. come in        B.come true         C.come on          D.come with 
(   )32. When you are in danger, you can call policeman ______ 110.
A.at             B.to                C.with             D.for 
(   )33. -- ______ your brother ______ the clothes at home?
      --No, Never.
A.Do; wash       B.Does; washes      C.Do; washes       D.Does; wash 
(   )34. ______ play the computer games, it is time for homework.
A.No            B.Doesn’t           C.Don’t            D.Aren’t 
(   )35. --Who is your ______ friend, John, Linda or Jack?
A.good           B.better            C.best             D.the best 
(   )36.I like pandas because they are ______ cute.
A.a kind          B.a lot             C.a few            D.kind of
(   )37.--Do you like ______ in a school?
      --Yes,I want  ______ a teacher.
A.to work; being    B.to work; to be     C.work; to be       D.working; being 
(   )38.We always have to ______ the school uniform on school days.
A.wear           B.put on            C.dress            D.in 
(   )39.-- ______ ?
      --They’re from Africa.
A.Where are these lions from            B.What are those in English  
C.What color are these lions             D.What do you think of these lions 
(   )40.Lintao has two schoolbags. One is black, ______ is green. 
A.other          B.the others          C.others           D.the other 
(   )41.--What are you ______ ?
     ---I’m looking for my backpack.
A.going          B.doing            C.looking           D.having 
(   )42.--It’s a fine day today. Would you love to go swimming with me?
     -- ______.
A.Yes, I’d love.    B.Yes, I’d love to.    C.Yes, I do.         D.No, I wouldn’t. 
(   )43.--Do you have ______ apples?
     -- No, but I have ______ bananas.
A.some; some      B.any; any         C.any; some         D.some; any 
(   )44.She spent two hours ______ the picture yesterday.
    A.on drawing       B.in drawing       C.to draw           D.draw
(   )45.--Lucy, how about going to the movies tonight?
      -- ______.
A.Good idea        B.Thank you       C.That’s right        D.You’re welcome
  Hello, everyone! I’m Lucy Black. I live____46____England. I get to school at about 8:45 am. Most of us____47____to school, but some go to school by car. We____48____school uniforms everyday. The first lesson of the day____49____at 9:30 am. We have three lessons in the____50____. My favorite____51____is math. I think it is very____52____. I’m good at it.____53____time is from 12:00 to 1:10 pm. Most____54____bring their lunch from home. We often have hamburgers, fruit and French fries. Afternoon lessons are over at 3:15 pm. Then we can go____55____.     
(   )46. A. of           B. in             C. at            D. to 
(   )47. A. live         B. walk           C. sit            D.go
(   )48. A.has          B.make           C. wear          D. put 
(   )49. A.ends         B.finishes         C.has            D.starts
(   )50. A.morning      B.afternoon       C.evening         D.night 
(   )51. A.classroom     B.subject         C.teacher         D.student
(   )52. A.boring        B.hard           C.beautiful        D. interesting
(   )53. A.Dinner       B.Breakfast        C.Supper         D.Lunch 
(   )54. A.students      B.women         C.men            D.class 
(   )55. A.school       B.home           C.shop           D.class 
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