12999英语网 手机版
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1.What day is it today?
      A.Monday.                 B.Tuesday.                  C.Mother’s Day.
2.Where is the woman from?
A.China.                    B.France.                    C.America
3.How’s the weather there?
A.Warm.                  B.Cold.                      C.Hot.
4.What does Mrs. Black look like?
A.Tall.                        B.Smart.                     C.Serious.
5.What’s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?
A.Salesman and customer.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Foreigner and student.
6.What does the woman want to buy?
      A.A red dress.           B.A red hat.           C.A purple dress.
7.What will the weather be like this afternoon?
      A.Sunny.                B.Rainy.                C.Snowy.
8.What happens to the Qingjiang River?
      A.It's clean now.          B.People put dirty things into it.
C.It's dry.
9.Why hasn't the man thought about his summer holiday?
      A.He has no interest in the holiday.
      B.He doesn't know the holiday is coming.
      C.He is busy working at his lessons.
10.What can John do to improve his spoken English?
A.Go to an English Corner.
B.Keep a diary.
C.Listen to the tape.
11.Why is Kathy going to Italy?
A.To spend her vacation.  B.To finish her study.      C.To visit some friends.
12.What’s the weather like in Italy in summer?
A.Sunny and warm.      B.Sunny and windy.    C.Rainy but warm.
13.Where will Kathy often go in Italy?
A.To the cinema.          B.To the church.           C.To the beach.
14.What will Kathy often do during her vacation?
A.To play basketball.      B.To play volleyball.      C.To play baseball.
15.How long is Kathy staying in Italy?
A.For three days.         B.For three weeks.       C.For three months.
16.How did Mr. White and Mrs. Brown go on their journey?
A.By plane.         B.By car.                 C.By train.
17.Where were they going?
A.To Paris.              B.To San Francisco.  C.To New York.
18.How many kids does Mrs. Brown have?
A.One.                    B.Two.                    C.Three.
19.What didn’t they talk about?
A.Exercising.           B.Drinking wine.     C.Smoking.
20.What can we learn about Mrs. Brown?
A.Her daughter is six years old.
B.Her son is a good young man.
C.Her son is only six months old.
21.The children stood in ______ circle and danced to music.
A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D./
22.Music isn’t Sally’s main interest,_______ she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.
A.but                      B.so                       C.or                          D.and
23.一Do you believe that paper is made ________ wood?
一Yes,I do.And you can see that books are made ________ paper.
A.from;from         B.from;of             C.of;from                      D.of;of
24.一Do you have _______ else to say for your mistake?
一________ but sorry.
A.anything;Something                              B.something;Everything
C.something,Anything                                D.anything;Nothing
25.一Our school is going to hold the ______ Culture Festival.
一I see.And we can take part in _______ activities.
A.tenth;tenth         B.tenth;ten            C.ten;tenth              D.ten;ten
26.一Where can I find Jack?
一He is playing volleyball in the _____ now.
A.1ibrary                B.1aboratory                  C.gym                             D.dining-hall
27.The fire last night destroyed many buildings.______,no one was killed.
A.Actually              B.Luckily                C.Simply                  D.Immediately
28.______ children Simon and Jim are! They help Mrs. Li clean the house every day.
A.How nice             B.How brave           C.What nice              D.What brave
29.一Excuse me.Do you know _______ to buy some apples?
一Sure。there’s a supermarket next to the bank.
A.where I can go                                        B.who will help me
C.what I should take                                      D.when is the right time
30.一A nice day today,isn’t it?
―Yes.______ go for fl picnic and relax ourselves?
A.Would you like      B.Why not              C.What about            D.Why don’t
31.一Could you please ______ the music? My baby is sleeping.
一Sorry.I will do it right away.
A.open up               B.turn down            C.drop by                  D.dress up
32.一I’m afraid the class has begun.
一Don’t worry.It ______ until the bell ______.
A.doesn’t begin;rings                                B.won’t begin;will ring
C.won’t begin;rings                                           D.doesn’t begin;will ring
33.一Which dress do you like best.Madam?
一Sorry,I can’t decide _______ now.
A.which one to buy                                     B.buy which one
 C.to buy which one                                     D.which I should buy it
34.― Thanks for the delicious food.
A.No,thanks         B.That’s right          C.All right                D.My pleasure
66.Do you have the ______(视频)of the 2013 Spring Festival Eve Gala(春晚)?
67.Many people are growing ______ (西红柿)in our town.
68.It’s very noisy here.Please speak ______ (大声地).
69.Most famous stars always wear dark sun ______ (眼镜)in public.
70.―Are you coming to the party this Sunday?
一No,I haven’t been  ______ (邀请).
71.More and more people are surfing the Internet for ______ (信息)they need.
72.England and France are ______ (欧洲的)countries.
73.I like all the subjects at school,______ (尤其是)physics.
74.They ______ (坚定地)believe that their children should make their choices for  themselves.
75.I am not ______ (通常)allowed to stay out late.
76.The girl is often heard ______ (sing)in the next room.
77.______ (wait)for him for so long made me very angry.
78.I_____ (make)quite fl few friends by the end of last term:
79.Could you please ______ (not speak)so loud?
80.You should say “thank you” when you ______ (give)something as a present.
81.David preferred ______ (sell)newspapers to doing the housework when he was young.
82.We ______ (drive)home on the highway when you called me yesterday.
83.Mrs. Green made Alice ______ (sweep)the floor after supper.
84.I don’t know it good or bad for us ______ (watch)TV too much.
85.We had to put off ______ (visit)my grandma because my mother was ill.
A.It’s the first weekend of July.
B.It must be very exciting.
C.How much are the tickets?
D.How much should I pay?
E.Does it last two days?   
F.It says the show starts on July 5th.
G.Yes,I plan to.
(Lucy and Boy are talking about School Science Show.L is for Lucy.B is for Bob.)
B:Lucy,are you going to the School Science Show?
L:(86) ______ When does It star?
B:I saw the poster yesterday.(87) ______ It will last two days.
L:Oh,July 5th and 6th.(88) ______
B:Yes.And this time it will be open from l0:00 a.m.t06:00 P.m..
L:That sounds good.It will give more people the chance to enjoy it.
(89) ______
B:Only$2 for students,but adults should pay$10.
L:Great! It’s much better than before.
B:The poster also says there are many new inventions to watch and try this time.
L:(90) ______ I won’t miss it!
91.“Meatless Mondays” advises people not to eat meat at least one day each week.So we can keep healthy in a better way.
92.More and more companies are paying more attention to improving the quality of their products in order to have a better development.
提示:Not do:speak loudly in public;throw litter
Do:be polite;ready to help others;plant trees
To Be a Lovely Binzhou Citizen
Binzhou is developing quickly these years. ______________________
第Ⅰ卷  (选择题共75分)
1―5 ACBAC              6―10 ACBCB      1―l5 AACi38               16―20 ABCAB
21―25 ADCDB           26―30 CBCAB    31―35 BCADC           36―40 ABDCB
41一45 ADCAD         46―50 DCABC    51一55 ABACD          56―60 BBCDD
61―65 ABBDC
第Ⅱ卷  (非选择题共45分)
66.video             67.tomatoes        68.loudly           69.glasses           70. invited  
71.Information    72.European       73.especially       74.strongly         75.normally
76.to sing/singing  77.Waiting                78.had made       79.not speak  80.are given
81.selling                 82.were driving         83.sweep            84.To watch  85.visiting
(一)答案:86―90 GFACB
93.It's impolite to laugh at those people in trouble.
94.Great changes have taken place in this area since 2010.
95.I often help my mum to tidy up the room.
(―)One possible version.
To be a lovely Binzhou citizen
Binzhou is developing quickly these years.A new city is being built now.It will attract more people to come to Binzhou.So we should do well to show that both tile city and its people are lovely.In order to be a lovely Binzhou citizen?we should be polite to everyone,we shouldn’t speak loudly in public places.We should always be ready to help others.When we are on the bus.we should make room for the old.We should make our hometown clean and tidy,we shouldn't throw litter around.We should plant more trees to make our city more beautiful.I want to be a lovely Binzhou citizen.I’m now studying hard and getting ready for the future.
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