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第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)
1.A.This is Betty speaking.       B.Hold on, please.        C.I’m Betty.
2.A.When the traffic lights are red.
B.When the traffic lights are green.
      C.When the traffic lights are yellow.
3.A.never mind.                B.No, thanks.            C.sorry, I’m new here.
4.A.Thank you.                 B.Not at all.              C.Don’t say so.
5.A.It’s blue.                   B.It’s sunny.             C.It’s Sunday.
Ⅱ 。你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
6.What did the man think of the film?
    A.Boring.                          B.Relaxing.                       C.Interesting .
7.What do they plan to do?
A.Go window shopping.           B.Go to Window of the World.C.Go to a park.
8.Where did the man go this afternoon?
    A.He went to the library.        
    B.He went to see the doctor.
    C.He went to the shop.
9.What does the woman mean?
    A.The man shouldn’t go home.
B.The man will miss the train.
C.The man should leave early.
10.Did the man watch the TV show I Am a Singer 2?
   A.No, he doesn’t.                    B.Yes, he did.                      C.No, he didn’t.
11.What’s the girl’s attitude to English?
A.She’s interested in it.                B.She’s afraid of it.      C.She doesn’t like it.
12.What’s the boy’s trouble in learning English?
A.Reading.                         B.Listening.                 C.Writing.
13.How will the boy improve his English?
A.By reading every day.        B.By writing every day.  C.By listening to the radio.
14.What subject does Miss Black teach?
A.English.                          B.Chinese.                   C.Math.
15.Where may the conversation probably take place?
    A.In the street.                    B.At schoo1.                C.At home.
16.When does Li Ming have to get up?
A.At 6:00.                     B.At 6:30.                C.At 6:45.
17.What is Li Ming?
A.A teacher.                   B.A student.                      C.A Worker.
18.Which city is Rose going to for holiday?
    A.Beijing.                    B.Tianjin.                       C.Nanjing.
19.Who is Rose going to see?
A.Her uncle.                  B.Her grandparents.          C.Her mother.
20.What will Bill take to Rose tomorrow?
A.Some tickets.                B.Some books.                   C.Some photos.
21.How many apples did the boy want to buy?
A.For one dollar.               B.For four dollars.              C.For five dollars.
22.How did the boy feel when he counted the apples?
A.Great.                            B.Surprised.                C.Pleased.
23.When did the boy's mother buy apples for him?
    A.Last Friday.                 B.Last Saturday.              C.Last Sunday.
24.Why didn't the shop assistant let the boy leave?
A.Because the boy didn't give him enough money.
B.Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.
C.Because the boy gave him more money.
25.What do you think of the boy from the story?
    A.Kind.                     B.Silly.                        C.Clever.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)
31.Let's look at the bag.Can you see ____ 's' on the corner of ____ bag?
A.a; A               B.an; An             C.an; the            D.the; An
32.We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a ____.
A.two-weeks holiday                        B.two-weeks' holidays
C.two-week holiday                            D.two-week's holiday
33.--____ do the blind read books?
    --They read____ touching the special books.
    A.How; with          B.How; by           C.What; with         D.What; by
34.--Mr. Ding, I have some trouble ____ the passage!
--Remember ____ it three or four times at least!
A.to understand; reading                      B.understanding; reading
C.understanding; to read                        D.to understand; to read
35.--Another bridge ____ in Wuhu in several years.
    --I heard about it.It will be more convenient.
A.are built            B.will be built        C.has been built       D.is built
36.--Could you be so kind as to close the window?
A.With pleasure        B.Go ahead                C.Yes, please         D.That's OK
37.--What did you discuss just now?
    --We discussed ____.
A.when could we meet at Xinhua Bookstore
B.where we would have a wonderful outing
C.whether we will have a barbecue during May Day
    D.who is suitable to be the host of the charity show
38.In the examination, the____ you are, the ____ mistakes you'll make.
    A.careful; little                             B.more careful; less
    C.careful; few                             D.more careful; fewer
39.--Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?
--____ is OK.I'm free today and tomorrow.
A.Either             B.Neither          C.Both                D.None
40.--I don't know if his uncle ____.
    --I think he ____ if it doesn't rain.
A.will come; comes                            B.will come; will come
C.comes; comes                           D.comes; will come
41.--Kate likes eating chocolate.
    --____.Look! She is eating.
    A.So Lucy does        B.So does Lucy       C.So they do         D.So do they
42.--Oh, Mrs. King, your necklace looks nice.Is it new?
    --No, I ____ it for 2 years.
    A.had               B.have had         C.bought                  D.have bought
43.____ the old man ____ in this factory when he was young?
A.Did; used to work                        B.Does; used to working
C.Did; use to work                                 D.Do; used to work
44.--What happened ____ the afternoon of March 25th?
--It's said that Beckham arrived ____ Beijing.
    A.in; at              B.on; to             C.in; in            D.on; in
45.Make a list of the things you want to buy before you go to the supermarket.____, you will certainly forget some of them.
    A.Therefore          B.Anyway           C.However         D.Otherwise
46.--Americans ____ forks and knives to chopsticks while Chinese people ____ use chopsticks.
    --Different cultures make it.
A.would rather; prefer                              B.prefer; would rather
C.would rather; would rather                   D.prefer; prefer
47.--Where is Zhang Hua? Is he in the classroom now?
--He ____ be there, for I saw him in the teachers' office just now.
A.can't              B.may not                 C.shouldn't         D.mustn't
48.Many people think the pop song Gangnam Style sounds ____, but others don't like it at all.
    A.wonderfully        B.terribly          C.wonderful        D.terrible
49.He is not the first boss here to ____ and say a lot of rude words.
    A.lose his life         B.lose his way        C.lose temper         D.lose weight
50.We have never seen ____ before.It's very interesting.
A.so a good film                                         B.a so good film
C.such a good film                                       D.a such good film
One afternoon just before Christmas, an old man was walking   51   the city center.The shops were all full of good things and they were crowded with cheerful shoppers.Suddenly he saw a dirty boy sitting on the ground crying sadly.When the kind old man asked him why he  52  , the little boy told him that he had  53  a ten penny piece that his uncle ha~ him.At once the old man pulled out a handful of coins.He   54  out a shining new ten penny piece and handed it to the child.'Thank you very much,' said the little boy, drying his  55  .He cheered up at once.
An hour or so later, the old man was making his way   56  home by the same road.To his surprise, he saw the dirty little boy in the same place, crying sadly as   57  .He went up to the boy and asked him if he had lost the ten penny piece he had   58  given him as well.The boy told him that he had not lost the second coin   59  he still couldn't find the first one.'   60   I could find my own piece,' he cried, “I would have twenty pence now.'
51.A.by                B.between                 C.through          D.over
52.A.cried              B.had cried         C.was crying         D.would cry
53.A.spent                 B.left               C.paid              D.lost
54.A.picked            B.made            C.gave               D.left
55.A.mouth             B.eyes             C.feet                D.ears
56.A.on                B.back                 C.to                D.for
57.A.usually            B.usual                  C.before             D.well
58.A.just               B.just now           C.right now          D.now
59.A.and               B.but                     C.while            D.as
60.A.When             B.Since            C.If               D.As
One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, 'You speak very good English.' But the girl answered, 'No, no.My English is very poor.' The foreigner was quite    61   at the answer. Thinking he had not made    62  understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, he said, 'Yes, indeed, you speak very well.' But the girl still kept saying, 'No.' In the end, the American boy could not understand and didn't know  63  to say.
What's wrong with the girl's answer? She didn't  64  a compliment in the same way as the American people do.She should answer, “Thank you' instead of 'No'.She really understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest.In the  65  , people will feel proud and  66  when they are praised.So if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious, you should say, 'Thank you.”
In our country we think being modest is a virtue(美德) and being proud is a bad thing, but in my opinion, being confident does not  67  being proud, so sometimes you should be confident  68  being modest..
If you are modest and say, 'No, I'm afraid I can't do it well”, while working in a western country, the others may think that you really can't do it.If you often say 'No', you will certainly be looked down upon by  69  .When asking for a job, if one says something like 'Yes, I can certainly do it instead of 'Let me have a try', he or she will  70  get it.So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence
61.A.excited            B.surprised         C.relaxed            D.frightened
62.A.itself              B.herself           C.himself          D.themselves
63.A.when             B.which                C.what               D.how
64.A.receive            B.accept           C.refuse             D.disagree
65.A.east               B.south            C.west                  D.north
66.A.dutiful            B.modest              C.shameful         D.confident
67.A.think              B.say                  C.ask                   D.mean
68.A.as soon as            B.as well as          C.instead of          D.in spite of
69.A.another            B.the other         C.the others          D.others
70.A.fail to             B.expect to         C.succeed in        D.believe in
(John=J    Robert=R)
J: Hello, Robert.I'm sorry, but I have to tell you some bad news.
R: 71.   
J: Jane fell off her bike and hurt herself on the way home yesterday.
R: 72.    
J: She's in hospital.73.     
R: Why didn't you send her to hospital at once?
J: 74.        But this morning her leg hurt a lot.She couldn't walk by herself.
R: That's too bad.75.     
J: Jane asked us not to worry and wanted us to go for the picnic without her.
A.She was badly hurt.
B.Because she said nothing serious.
C.We sent her there this morning.
D.Where is she now?
E.What about our picnic?
F.What happened?
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