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第I卷 (共100分)
I. 听力测试。(共30分)
第一节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)
1. A. Thanks a lot.                       B. Nice to meet you.             C. It’s terrible.
2. A. OK. I will.                         B. Well done.                       C. Never mind.
3. A. Once a week.                      B. It’s interesting.                 C. On Center Street.
4. A. I’d love to.                         B. Hold on, please.               C. It doesn’t matter.
5. A. He is from China.                B. He is tall.                        C. She is a teacher.
6. A. Just a minute!                            B. By plane.                        C. Have a good time!
第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)
7. A. Smith.                                B. Tony.                              C. Lisa.
8. A. By bike.                             B. By bus.                           C. On foot.
9. A. Lucy’s.                              B. Mr. Green’s.                    C. Tom’s.
1 0. A. Across from the hospital.   B. Next to the bank.             C. In front of the park.
11. A. 9:00.                                B. 8:00.                               C. 7:30.
12. A. Reading a book.                B. Flying a bike.                 C. Playing games.
第三节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)
13. Where did David go for the winter vacation?
A. The Summer Palace.        B. The Great Wall.               C. Beihai Park.
14. Who did David go there with?
A. His parents.                            B. His teachers.                    C. His friends.
听下面一段材料,回答第15和16小 题。
15. What does the man want to buy?
A. A sports T-shirt.               B. A pair of shoes.                C. A watch.
16. What color does the man want?
A. Red.                               B. Blue.                              C. Black.
第四节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)
17. Li Hua works in the US as a ________. 
       A. teacher                            B. reporter                           C. doctor
18. Li Hua has lived in the US for ________.
A. one year                          B. two years                        C. three years
19. Li Hua had met many famous ________ in the US.
A. movie stars                      B. basketball players             C. singers
20. Li Hua has just bought a new ________.
A. house                              B. camera                            C. car
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)
21. The d ictionary is really ________useful tool. Let’s learn to look up the new words in it.
   A. a                      B. the                           C. an                            D. /
22. The girl likes eating candy so she has a bad _______ now, and it hurts sometimes.
   A. foot                  B. tooth             C. cold                        D. headache 
23. ---_______ do you like the movie The Hunger Games?
   --- Very much.
      A. What          B. When                      C. How                 D. Why
24. The boy kept calm(冷静)when the plane fell into the sea so that he saved ______ family.
A. his                 B. him                       C. he                         D. he’s
25. ---Would you mind playing football with me?
   ---_______, but it’s too hot.
   A. Excuse me          B. I’d like to                C. I’m afraid so            D. It’s a pleasure
26. Even though he was disabled(残疾的), he could do many things _______ swimming, writing and reading.
A. and so on          B. for example                     C. that is                      D. such as
27. I believe I can make my dream come true       working hard.
   A. in                 B. by                        C. with                      D. for
28. ---Your city looks beautiful!
   ---Yes. Lots of trees and grass         last year.
   A. are planted        B. have planted           C. were planting          D. were planted
29. ---How many people took part in the marathon (马拉松) last month?
   ---It's hard to say.        people, I think.
   A. Thousand                                             B. Thousands of               
C. Two thousand of                                          D. Two thousands
30. I _______ like fish, but I do now, because it can make us more clever.
A. don’t use to     B. used to                      C. didn’t use to         D. am used to
31. Oh, the milk ______ strange. Do you think it’s all right to drink?
  A. was tasted           B. is tasted                    C. is tasting                  D. tastes
32. He is an old Party member. He __________ the Party for twenty years.
  A. has joined                                              B. has joined in          
C. has been in                                          D. has taken part in
33. The students can’t go home until their homework _______.
   A. finishes                                     B. will finish
   C. is finished                                D. finished
34. --- Now the air in our hometown is even _______ than it was before.
---Yes. Everybody is afraid to go out on foggy(有雾)days.
A. worse         B. better                 C. dirty                 D. best
35. The white soccer ball _______ be Toby’s. He’s the only person who has a white soccer ball.
A. can’t          B. must                        C. may                        D. can
36. No one told us _______. We need your help.
A. how to do it                                        B. what to do it
C. how should we do                                       D. what should we do
37. There’s _______ wrong with my computer, so it can’t work well.
A. a little          B. anything           C. something            D. nothing
38. He has difficulty with his English. _______, he works hard and is making great progress.
   A. And             B. But                   C. However             D. So
39. We’ve done everything to protect the trees, but some people are still _______.
   A. cutting down them                             B. cutting them down
C. cutting it down                                       D. cutting down it
40. ---Did you enjoy yourself on vacation?
   ---Yes.       .
   A. You are welcome                       B. Don't mention it   
 C. Not at all                                     D. I had a great time
III. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)
Hongbao, usually a red envelope(信封) with some money inside, is a kind of traditional(传统的) gift in China. People always give it during the Spring Festival or for some special events such as birthdays, weddings (婚礼) and so on. It is considered as a way to   41   love, good wishes or blessing(祈祷).
The red color means good luck in Chinese culture and can also   42   people stay away from bad things. This tradition started from more than 2,000 years   43   when old people began to give money to their grandchildren for good luck and safety in the New Year.
Different from the traditional red envelope with   44   inside, the virtual(虚拟的) hongbao became quite popular this year. It provides people with a chance to give hongbao to other people or to receive them from   45   on the Internet. This new form of hongbao is becoming more and more popular   46   the Wechat (微信) users.
During the   47   Spring Festival holiday, I gave out more than 300 yuan by using Wechat, and got half of the money I gave. Although the smallest hongbao had only 0.01 yuan in it, my friends and I still had great   48   giving and receiving the red envelopes. No matter in which way people send red envelopes, the meaning behind is the same. However, some people, especially the young, spend too much time   49   with their mobi le(移动的) phones to get the virtual hongbao. This not only makes them lose the time they spend with their family but is bad for their   50  . So what do you think of the virtual hongbao? Are you for or against it?
41. A. say                     B. show                 C. see                    D. take
42. A. want          B. need            C. help           D. keep
43. A. ago              B. later          C. early         D. before
44. A. love            B. money        C. luck          D. wishes
45. A. other          B. the other      C. others        D. another
46. A. between         B. in            C. of                    D. among
47. A. seven day       B. seven day’s           C. seven days’    D. seven-days
48. A. money           B. fun           C. time          D. love
49. A. playing          B. having               C. watching      D. sending
50. A. healthy           B. health          C. healthily      D. unhealthy
Ears are part of your body. Have you noticed the size and shape of your ears before?
The size and shape of your ears show your character(性格) more than any other part of the face. Other parts of the face, such as the nose and the mouth, change the shape as we get older, but ears do not change their shape. They only change in size.
Reading people’s character from their ears is a very old science. In the past, people thought that a person with big ears had a good character. They thought that the person was dangerous if he had small ears in nearly white color. They also thought that the shape of the ear showed whether a person was musical(有音乐才能) or not. Today, too many people believe that the size and shape of the ear help you know if a person is musical.
Ears are all different, and each different thing has a meaning. Ears that are always red mean that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and nearly white mean that a person has a nervous character.
51. Our _________ will not change the shape as we get older.
A. eyes                         B. ears                         C. nose                         D. mouth
52. In the past, people believe d that a person was dangerous with _________ ears.
       A. big and red                                                  B. small and red           
C. big and white                                               D. small and white
53. The passage can be most probably seen in _________.
       A. a science magazine                                       B. a sports newspaper
       C. a cartoon book                                             D. a dictionary
A talk with God
A man is talking with God.
The man: God, how long is a million years?
God: To me, it's about a minute.
The man: God, how much is a million dollars?
God: To me it's a cent(美分).
The man: God, may I have a cent?
God: Wait a minu te.
A boy or a girl?
Passenger A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and a red T-shirt. Is it a boy or a girl?
Passenger B: It's a girl. She's my daughter, Maria.
Passenger A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father.
Passenger B: I'm not. I'm her mother.
Oh Dad!
Jack’s father is dying and he is talking with his son.
Father: I want to leave you my farm. There are many animals, plants and a big house on the farm.
Jack: Oh Dad, you are so kind! I didn't even know you had a farm. Where is it?
With his last breath(呼吸), Jack’s father said in a low voice, 'On QQ...'
54. The three passages above are all _________.
     A. letters                      B. news                        C. jokes                        D. notices
55. In the God’s eyes, a million years is like _________.
       A. a year                      B. a day                       C. an hour                    D. a minute
56. Passenger B is _________.
     A. Maria’s mother                                            B. Maria’s father          
C. Maria’s sister                                               D. Maria’s brother
57. There are many things on Jack’s father’s farm EXCEPT _________.
       A. a big house               B. flowers                    C. plants                       D. animals
A new word is becoming more and more popular on the Internet in China - but no one knows quite what it means.
The word 'duang' is so new that you can’t even find it in the Chinese dictionary. But it has already spread(传播) like fire on the Chinese Int ernet, appearing more than 8,000,000 times on Weibo, where 15,000 users had more than 312,000 discussions. On Baidu, it has been looked up almost 600,000 times. But what does it mean?
'Everyone's duang-ing and I still don't know what it means! Looks like I’d better go back to school now,' said Weibo user Fahmida.
Another user asked: 'Have you duang-ed today? My mind is full of duang duang duang.'
'To duang or not to duang, that is the question,' wrote user Beatrice.
'Duang' seems to be imitating (模仿) a sound. It all seems to have started with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan, who in 2004 appeared in a shampoo ad (洗发水广告) where he used the sound “duang” to describe his soft and black hair. The word came to people again recently(最近) after Chan posted it on his Weibo page. Thousands of users then began to visit Chan's Weibo page with comments (评论).
The word seems to have many different meanings, and there's no perfect (完美的) Chinese meaning for it, but you could use it to give emphasis (强调) to the word that follows it. A kid might be 'duang cute', for example.
58. According to the passage, _________ users joined in the discussion on Weibo.
       A. 312,000                   B. 15,000                            C. 600,000                   D. 8,000,000
59. In 2004, Jackie Chan used “duang” to _________.
   A. show he was very popular                           B. describe his hair
   C. ask people to buy the shampoo              D. reply to Weibo users’ comments
60. Mary got a gift from her old friend and said “I am duang surprised”. She might mean that she was_________ according to the passage.
       A. not surprised at all                                       B. a little surprised       
C. quite surprised                                             D. no longer surprised
61. The best title of this passage may be “_________”.
       A. A New Word ― Duang                                 B. Jackie Chan and His Shampoo Ad
       C. Learning Chinese Culture                              D. A New Name for Jackie Chan
My mother had been living alone for over 20 years since my father’s death. Her house was only 20 minutes’ drive from my house. But since I was quite busy with my job, I could only visit her with my wife two or three times a year.
That evening I called her to invite her to dinner and a movie.
“What happened? Are you OK?” She asked me at once. “I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you.” I answered. After a while, she said, “I really want this.”
On Friday after work from the hospital I went for it and I was a little nervous. As my car came near her house, I saw her standing at the door and noticed that she seemed a little too excited, in the dress she bought many years ago.
We went to a restaurant. She took my arm and walked like my first lady.
During the dinner, we had a very good conversation. It was nothing special. She described how I used to argue(争吵) with her and how hard I had worked late at night to get into the university. I told her that I was planning a trip to China next month. It was getting late and I sent her back home without going to the movie.
When I left her home, she said: “Once again, I’ll go with you to the restaurant. But next time, I invite you. ” I agreed.
A few days later my mother died of a heart illness(疾病). It happened so suddenly(突然地) that I had no chance to do anything for her. A few days later I received a letter with a receipt (收据) from the restaurant w here I had dinner with my mother.
The receipt had a note inside: “I paid the money for our second dinner in advance. However, I’m not sure if I could have dinner with you. But anyway it doesn’t matter, I paid for two people. For you and your wife. I just want to tell you: I love you two.”
62. I didn’t visit my mother quite often because _________.
A. she lived with my father                               B. her house was far away from mine
C. I was quite busy                                           D. my wife didn’t feel like visiting her
63. During the dinner, my mother _________.
A. argued with me                                            B. planned a trip to China    
C. had a nice talk with me                                 D. died of a heart illness
64. The Chinese meaning of the phrase (短语) “in advance” in this passage is probably “_________”.
A. 共同地                   B. 提前地                    C. 不情愿地         D. 故意地
65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. I felt a little nervous before going to visit my mother.
B. I was a teacher and my mother was proud of me.
C. My mother and I went to a movie after the dinner.
D. My wife paid for my second dinner with my mother.
V. 口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)

A: When does it take off?
B: How about my hotel?
C: When does it arrive?
D:What’s your flight(航班) number?
E: Li Wei speaking.
F: Who will meet you?
G: I’ll wait for you at the gate at 6:30.


A: Hello, this is Lucy speaking. Is that Li Wei?
B: Hi, Lucy.   66   We are expecting your coming.
A: Thank you! My plane leaves Beijing this afternoon.
B:   67   
A: It’s CA1409.
B: OK, CA1409.   68   
A: At 3:30 in the afternoon.
B: Leaves at 3:30 and arrives...
A: It arrives at 6:10, and I’ll have to wait some time for my luggage(行李).
B: All right.   69   
A: Thanks a lot.    70    
B: I’ve ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home.
A: Wonderful! See you then.
B: See you!
VI. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分)
Today Chinese people can enjoy longer and more holidays, such as the Spring Festival, National Day, Mid-autumn Festival and so on. They have more time to travel. Rising incomes(增长的收入)also make it possible for most Chinese people to travel abroad(到海外).
Zhang Haitao, a middle school student in Shanghai will go to Japan with his parents during the Spring Festival. “Traveling abroad has always been a dream of mine,” Zhang Haitao said. “How will you go to Japan, by air or by ship?” I asked him. “By ship. Traveling by ship is more enjoyable(令人愉快的) than a trip by air.” “But a plane is much faster than a ship.” “Yes. But you can't see much during the flying while a sea trip will make you happier, because you can see the sea, islands and even big fish.”
'Will you travel at your own expense(费用) ?'
'Certainly. Although my father is only a bus driver, I'm very proud of him. He has saved lots of money in the last three years. What's more, he has made a difference to our environment.”
71. Can Chinese people enjoy longer and more holidays now?
72. Who will Zhang Haitao go to Japan with?
73. How will Zhang Haitao go to Japan?
74 . What does Zhang’s father do?
VII. 完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)
75. Tom flies the kite high up in the sky. (变为否定句)
   Tom_______ _______ the kite high up in the sky.
76. The Browns planned to spend their vacation in England. (对划线部分提问)
   _______ _______ the Browns plan to spend their vacation?
77. If you don’t follow my advice, you’ll feel sorry. (变为同义句)
   Follow my advice, _______ you_______ feel sorry.
78. 为了节约用水,你最好关掉水龙头。 (完成译句)
  To save water, you’d better _______ _______ the tap.
79. Jerry将周末安排得很好,他要么运动,要么逛街。(完成译句)
  Jerry plans his weekends well. He______ does sports _______goes shopping.
VIII. 短文填空。(每小题2分,共16分)
Have you ever complained(抱怨)why life is so hard? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up(振作) and   80          
all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find that the whole world smiles at you, too.
While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teacher's face     81     you do a good job?
You plan to have a walk to relax yourself     82     a sunny morning. Just before you want to go out, it suddenly(突然地) starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the     83    . How should we deal with all those problems? Dear friends,     84     don't you sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature offers you? And with the rain, the plants in the fields will     85     better and better and farmers will have a good harvest (丰收).
Although everyone wants to be successful in what he tries to do, sometimes failure(失败) can't be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are    86    of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must believe     87    , learn a good lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, 'Failure is the mother of success.'
Attitude(态度)decides everything. With a positive(积极地) attitude life is easy and comfortable. Let's smile at whatever we meet and the whole world will smile at us.
80. ____________         81. ____________         82. ____________         83. ____________
84. ____________         85. ____________         86. ____________         87. ____________
1. 词数:80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。
提示词:fog n. 雾; protect the environment 保护环境; duty n. 责任
Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday I watched the documentary by Chai Jing and I was completely touched. Nowadays, __________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                       ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for listening!
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