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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit6 topic 3 section A导学案
课题: Unit6 Enjoy Cycling Topic 3
 Section A(第1课时 )
   备课人:高艳芬  审核人:              班级:            学生:        
1.Be able to remember these new words and phrases:
passenger crazy pollution spit obey explore be afraid of get used to
2. Be able to talk about the advantages of riding bicycles.
  It is faster than walking.
  It can help us save energy.
3. Learn to use the structure of the sentences.
It is + adj. + to do.
4. Be able to collect the traffic signs and discuss the meanings.
The adverbial clauses of time:
 when ,while, as soon as , before, as, after.
1 英汉互译:
乘客      污染      停放      自信    crazy     energy     spit       explore       That is terrible              
2 The traffic signs and their meanings. Finish P43 1b and check it.
3 Read 1a and find out the important sentences.
1 互相提问单词及短语。
2 交流收集的标志并完成43页1b。
Discuss the advantages of riding bicycles.
1.  It is faster than walking.
2.  It can help us save energy.
3.  It does not cause air pollution.
4.  It is easy to park.
Discuss the structure of the sentences.
Finish P41 1c and sum up :
 It is + adj. + to do.
Survey your group about the advantages of riding bicycles they think and report it to your class.
A: What do you think of riding bicycles? B: I think it is faster than walking.
Save energy
Easy to park
Report like this: In our group, three students think……                 
see  passenger  confident  park  spit explore
1. It is easy       bikes.
2. It is bad         in public.
3. It is exciting ______ the Ming Tombs by bike.
4. Many _____ were hurt in the accident.
5. I ______ a traffic accident yesterday.
6. Now I feel a little __________ than before.
  I like riding bicycles. Because it is ….                                                                            
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