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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit6 topic 1 section D导学案
课题: Unit6 Topic1 SectionD
制作人 :杨菲菲
2、复习动词不定式“to do”的用法。
 (二) 合作探究
1. We had a wonderful time on Mount Tai last week.
  点拨:have a wonderful time 玩的愉快类似的词组有have a good time ;have a great time
2. As soon as we arrived there, we began to clime Mount Tai.
  点拨:as soon as 一…就…, 引导。
  注意:as soon as引导的时间状语从句适用“主将从现”原则。
       e.g. As soon as I get there, I’ll ring you up. 我一到那就给你打电话。
3.It took us almost the whole night to get to Wanghai Stone.
4.I hope you can come to China.
b.hope 动词,名词 “希望”,它的用法有:
A) 请根据句意及首字母提示填写所缺单词。
1. We had a f______ trip last weekend and we all enjoyed ourselves in the open air.
2. Computers are very c______ in our every-day life now. You can see computers in many offices.
3. My train arrived at Beijing R________ Station at half past four in the afternoon.
4. Don't worry about me. The working c_______ here are quite good.
5. Trains, planes, ships and buses are all v__________.
B) 请用括号中所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子及对话。
6. I spent 160 yuan ________(buy) the bike.
7. ―I'd like ________(book) some rooms. What kind of rooms do you have?
―We have rooms with a bathroom, TV and air conditioning.
8. I'm looking forward to ________(hear) from my pen pal.
9. We'll have a meeting ________(discuss) how to solve the problem.
10. They got up early and ________(visit) many places of interest there.
Ⅴ. 单项选择
(  )1. ―Will you go to Hangzhou by _____ car?       ―No, I'll take _____ train.
A. a;不填          B. a;the     C. 不填;不填         D. 不填;a
(  )2. Victor thought of a few countries for vacation and in the end he decided  _____ Japan.
A. at            B. for          C. on             D. of
(  )3. ―_____ do you plan to stay in Shanghai?     ―For about three weeks.
A. How              B. How long       C. How soon      D. When
(  )4. ―How much did you _____ the English dictionary?        ―$ 12.5.
A. cost             B. take         C. spend            D. pay for
(  )5. Our plane will _____ at nine. Please meet us at the airport (飞机场).
A. land           B. fall           C. drop       D. follow
(  )6. The Greens will have a _____ holiday in China.
A. three-week          B. three-weeks   C. three week       D. three weeks
(  )7. ―I want to go on a visit to Mount Heng next month, but my parents aren't going to give me any money.
―Don't worry. You can _____ money _____.
A. give, yourself          B. raise, yourself     C. raise, yourselves     D. give, yourselves
(  )8. He thought hard, and then he _____ a good idea.
A. got along with      B. came up with    C. agreed with        D. talked with
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