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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit6 topic 1 section C导学案
课题: Unit6 Topic1 SectionC
制作人 :杨菲菲
2、继续学习动词不定式“to do”的用法。
普通的_______  收到……的来信_______  盼望(做)某事_______  可移动电话_________ 想出_________  解决________draw____ safely_______ forward_________
(二) 合作探究
1.It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.
译:________________________________________________________  点拨:此句中___________作真正主语,________为形式主语。请记住句型It is adj. to do sth.做某事是怎么样的。
2.Some schools come up with great ideas.译:__________________________________________________
  点拨:come up with ______________________
 He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.
 你能想出一个学英语的好方法吗?Can you ________ ________ __________a good way to study English?
3.At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student.
  点拨:1.)order 在此句中是_______词,意思:___________
  I ___________ a kilo of dumplings ________ _________.(我刚才订了一公斤的饺子)
  链接:order sb. to do sth. 
The emperor ordered his men to build the pyramid as his tomb.
(三) 回归课文
1、Read 2a and finsh 2b
1. We can have good ideas to r_____ money for special projects.
2. My sister is w_____ about the cost of our fiels trip . Because she has less money.
3.I think the most exciting way of raising money is to s_____ flowers in the evening.
4.Kate, what’s wrong ? You look so s_____.
5.In the playing cards “k” stands for “k_____”, and “Q”stands for “q_____”.
1.There are many interesting places there.(同义改写)
There are many ____ of _____ there.
2.We have rooms with a bathtub, TV and air conditioning.(提问)
What _____ of rooms _____you have?
3.I think ,you don’t have much money.(合并成一句)
I ____ think you _____ much money.
4.I was very tired .I couldn’t go on any longer.( 合并成一句)
I was ____tired _____ go on any longer.
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