新标准三年级Module5 Unit2 Nine girls?教案
Knowledge aim: How many girls/boys? Nine ten eleven twelve
Ability aim: Train them to ask and answer then speak out the numbers from one to twelve .
Ideological aim: Improve the students’ appreciation.
Main points: New words, new pattern, the text and a chant , a song.
Difficult points: How many boys /girls? Twelve.
The song and chant.
Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector.
Teaching process:
Step One: Warm-up and greetings
(Music rises Ten little fingers)
T: Morning boys and girls , are you ready ?
S:Yes .
T: Very well, show me your hands please! (老师带领学生一起跳十个小指头的舞蹈)
(Music down)
Step Two: Leading-in
T: Wonderful! Now I want to find some pupils come to the front .Who wants ? (找 8个孩子)
T: look, how many ? Let’s count ,ok? (学生跟着老师一起数 one two three four five six seven eight.)
T: Very good .Now I want one more child ,who wants?(一名同学加入这8名同学的队伍中)
T: Now , look again ,how many?
S: one two three four five six seven eight nine (再让学生自己数一遍,并给与肯定增强自信心,一次类推一直数到12,然后可以接着问 How many girls/boys?,在游戏的同时教师说出相应的英语兵书写在黑板上便于学生区别。)
【设计意图:合理利用身边的熟悉的教学资源,让学生自己参与,自己发现知识 是提高和保持学生学习兴趣的重要手段。这样的课堂会比较灵活展现知识,同时消除学生的紧张情绪。】
Step Three: More practice
A. Listen, say and do actions
(听课文:第一遍集中精力听,听完后回答问题:“what happened in the text?”并给学生解释课文,跟读2遍,老师领读,也可以分角色朗读课文。在读课文过程中要突出新知识点的理解和印象。然后表演课文老师把学生分成男女两组,指其中一组They are boys .再指另外一组They are girls.多重复几次,加深印象,并能正确的区分)
T:look at the boys ! How many boys? one boy ,two boys ,three boys……seven boys.
T: let’s count the girls. One girl , two girls ,……five girls. How many girls ? (还可用眼神和动作来引导学生自己提问试着去说how many girls? 培养它们自己去思考问题的能力。将语言学习与生活实际相结合,创造了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,使孩子们很自然地将注意力集中到英语课堂上。)
B.Learn the new chant on page 21.
T:Ok,let’s have a rest, Look at the projector ,what’s this?(大屏幕上出现了猫、帽子等的图片,学生说出相应的汉语,老师适时的引出英语,并写在黑板上。带领大家读出单词。再度单词的过程中设计了一个声音游戏,让学生自己去感知hat ,cat, cap 这三个次的共同点,交给学生学习的方法,背单词的窍门,有了规律单词记忆便不再枯燥。)
T: a a a (说字母a 的音标 大家一起做 Voice game)
Ss: a a a (说字母a 的音标) (say the chant together again.)
C Count and answer
T: I have a picture . What can you see?(给予一定的提示,鼓励学生去发现.当学生们回答出老师的问题后要给予表扬和鼓励。同时老师带领大家辨别几个单词。多读几遍加深印象。)
T: I have another four question four you 。They are ……..(老师依次读出课文中的每个问题,并解释好问题,让孩子们分四组完成,看那组同学回答的既快又正确,得到答案的同学到老师那里找到相应的英语单词后把他贴在黑板上,并带领大家读3遍)
【设计意图:让孩子们自己动手动脑、动眼动口完成任务,既能锻炼其观察力, 又体现了小组合作的理念。让学生充当“小老师“的角色,既活跃了课堂,有刺激学生的学习热情,事半功倍】
Step Four: Listen and say , then sing
(Read after the teacher then listen to the tape .)
T: I sing the song for you , do action with me .
Ss: ( follow the teachers and do actions with fingers)
【设计意图:把Ten little fingers 作为开课曲目又作为结束曲目首位照应,便于学生接受和理解,让快乐的氛围荡漾在整个课堂中】
Step Five: Sum up and homework.
T: Today we have learnt to count the numbers from 1 to 12 and how to say boys girls , a song and a chant .All of you didvery well , I am expecting a better performance next class.
1、Sing the song “ten little fingers ”to your parents.
Ask your parents’phone numbers and try to read them in English.