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新标准三年级Module5 Unit1 How many?教案
新标准三年级Module5 Unit1 How many?教案
Knowledge aim: How many? One two three four five six seven eight
Ability aim: Train them to ask How many ?
Answer the numbers from 1 to 8 .
Train them to point and read the new words
Ideological aim: Improve the students’ appreciation.
Main points: New words, new pattern, the text.
Difficult points: point and find out the numbers correctly. The pronunciation of three and five.
Teaching materials: pictures, cards, pencils, tape recorder,
Teaching process:
Step One : Warm-up and greetings.
T: Hello boys and girls,Good morning!
S: Morning, Miss Duan.
T: How are you today?
S: I’m Fine. Thank you and you?
T: I’m fine too , thank you!Now please show me your hands.Listen to this music and dance after me ,ok?
(Music begins)
(Music down)
Step Two: Representation
T: Now boys and girls don’t put down your fingers ,let’s play a finger game, I do the actions with my fingers ,you follow and guess which number it is,ok begin !.( The teacher firstly does differernt actions from 1 to 8 ,then students follow.At the same time the teacher writes each word on the blackboard to let students distinguish and try to ask “how many” timely. In this part several students will be called to do any actions and another student guesses the corret number, and all the children read the word at least three times.)
【设计意图:.用肢体语言和眼神 提示孩子们会起到事半功倍的教学效果。同时,在这一环节中加入了师生、生生互动的游戏使学生体会到了学习中的自主性。游戏中要及时的表扬每位同学给学生鼓励以增加孩子们的自信心。】
Step Three: Practice
“Finding your friends”game:
The teacher hands all the pictures and the new word cards to eight students each time ,then a student below speak a number at random ,the two children holds the mumbers should quickly stand together hand in hand and read the word. The group that do well will go to the following turn, while the wrong group will be in help , finally a champion will be found.
Voice game:
In this part students read new words after the teacher by using diferent tonations and speeds. Much more attention should be paid to the pronounciation of three and eight.At least, three times.
Flash game:
The teacher has several pencils in his or her hands , he or she will take out and hides them quickly, then students will be asked “how many” and an answer is needed. This will be done at least 4 times.
listen and point
T: Open your books and listen to the tape! First time ,just listen.
T: Now listen again and repeat sentence by sentence.
Step Four: Knowledge extension.
If the students use a number bigger than eight ,the teacher can introduce it to them and tell them o comprehend.
Step Five: Sum up and homework.
T: Today we have learnt how many new words?
S: One two three four five six seven eight . oh eight new words.
Point and read the text loudly then count the numbers from one to eight
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