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牛津9A Unit1 Reading(2)教案
Period   (3)
教学题目:9A Unit 1 Reading (2)
教学课时:Period 3
教学部分:Page 8-11
Step 1 Revision
1. Ask students some questions while showing Picture 1.(超链接)
(1) How many star signs are there in a year?
(2) How do you know your star sign? What decides your star sign?
(3) Do the people under the same star sign share similar characteristics?
(4) What characteristics do the people under your star sign have?
2. Explain the language points while answering the above questions. (超链接)
1) A year is divided into 12 different star signs.
2) Your date of birth decides your star sign.
3) People born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.
2.Ask more questions about Reading (超链接)
1) Which star sign doesn’t give up easily?
2) Which star sign loves peace and doesn’t like to argue with others?
3) Which star sign is suggested to forgive others for their mistakes?
4) Which star sign likes to dream about everything?
4. Teach the language points by answering the above questions. (超链接)
(1)You are patient and do not give up easily.
(2)You love peace and do not like to argue with others.
(3)Sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.
(4)You like to dream about everything.
Step2 Group work
1.Show students some pictures and passages about some famous people. Let students guess what star signs they are?
2.Finish Part C2 on Page11, and then check the answers.
What kind of friend do you like to make?  (Why?)
What is his/her star sign?
(Let students talk about his or her own characteristics and his or her friend’s.)
4.What star signs are suitable for these jobs? Why?
Step 4 Conclusion
What star signs say about people are not facts.
We should work hard to make our dream come true.
Step 5 Homework
1. Read the passage again and again.   2. Do some exercises.
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