12999英语网 手机版
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Class         Name                
1. cat                                                   
2. pencil                                                
3. water bottle                                          
1 一把钥匙         2一把伞              3一本故事书       4一个钱包          5一个修正带           6一支蜡笔       7我的扇子          8你的水壶              9他的笔袋      10她的笔记本              11在书桌上                 12在椅子上               13. over there             14.come here            15.Let me see.    
(  )1Excuse me, is this his toy car?
       A.这是他的汽车吗?   B.对不起,这是他的玩具汽车吗? C.对不起,这是她的玩具汽车吗?
(  )2、Is that your notebook?
那是你的笔记本。    B.那是你的笔记本吗? C.这是你的笔记本吗?
(  )3、Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.
      A.也许它是杨玲。 B.它是杨玲的吗? C.也许它是杨玲的。
(  )4、Perhaps your umbrella is on the chair.
你的伞在椅子上吗?  B.我想你的伞在椅子上。 C.也许你的伞在椅子上。
(  )5、What’s that over there?
     A.那是什么? B.在那儿的那是什么?  C.在那儿的是什么?
(  )6Can you see that crayon in the box?
      A.你能看见在盒子里的那枝蜡笔吗? B.你能看见蜡笔在盒子里吗? C.你能看见在盒子里的这枝蜡笔吗?
 (  )1.A: Thank you.  B:                 .
      A. Thank you.      B. All right.      C. Not at all.
(  )2.A:                 B: No,it isn
     A. Where’s your cat? B. Do you like cats? C.
Is that your cat?
(  )3.A: Where is your toy tiger?     B:
     A. No,it’s on the desk.  B. Yes,it is. C. It
s in the desk.
(  )4.A: Where’s Wang Bing?  
    B:                   .
     A. She’s in the TV room.    B. He’s in the TV room. 
C. Its in the TV room.
(  )5.A:
Is that Mike’s dog?        B:                  .
       A. Yes,it is.  B. No,he isn’t.   C. It
’s David’s.
(  )6. A: Come here, Yang Ling. 
 B:                 .
      A. All right.  B. That’s right.    C.
Thank you
1. over, that, what’s, there                              ?
2. your, is, school  bag, this                          
3. tape, perhaps, my, desk, in, is, the                   .
4. David’s, is, ruler, where                              ?
5. is, pink(粉红色),Miss Li’s, this, purse                 .
六、在横线上填入适当的词(I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her.)
1. A: May         have a notebook?  B: Sure. Here     are.
2. A: The pen is for         .     B: Thank you.

3. A: Where’s          book? B: Look,my book is on the sofa.
4. A: That’s  Nancy’s hat, I think.
B: No.     hat is in the car.
5. A: Where’s Liu Tao?   
B:        is in the computer room.
6. A: Where
s Helen?      B:        is in the TV room.
A: Where is your bag?   B:        bag is on the desk.
8. A: This is his vest,I think. B: No, it isn
1.这是你的钱包吗?                          your purse?不,它不是。No,                    .
2.这是你的钱包。                        your           .

3.你的钱包在哪里?           your           ?它在桌子上。                      the table.
4.---抄写本里的那是一把尺吗?     ---是的,它是。
--    that a ruler          the copybook?      ---      ,                .
5.你能看见这些玩具吗? Can           see the toys?
1.What’s this?(一把伞)                                   
2.Where’s your notebook?(在我的书包里)                 
3.Where is Mr Black?(在教室里)                          
4.What’s that in bag?(一只玩具狗)                        
5.Is this his book?(是的)                                
6.Is Liu Tao here?(不在)                                
7.May I have that bookmark?(当然)                       
1.  A. No,it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. 
B. Perhaps your water bottle is on the teachers’ desk.
C. Is this your water bottle?   
D. Where’s my water bottle? 序号是:                    
2. A. Can I have a look?  B. Yes. The toy lion is nice, too. C. Sure. Here you are.  D. That’s nice toy rabbit.
A: Good afternoon,Gao Shan.  
B: Good afternoon,Nancy.
A: Hey,what’s that in your hand(手)?
B: It’s a key.
A: Is that your key? 
B: No,it’s Miss Li’s. Is she in the school library(图书馆)
A: Yes, she’s here.
B: Thank you.
(     ) 1. It’s in the morning.
(     ) 2.The key is in Gao Shan’s hand.
(     ) 3. This is Gao Shan’s key.
(     ) 4. Gao Shan is looking for(找) Miss Li.
(     ) 5. Miss Li is in the school library.
(     ) 6. Nancy and Gao Shan are in the school library,too
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