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新目标八年级上Unit9 课文练习
Unit 9 exercise 1
1. John broke the school r          for the high jump. This made him very popular at school.
2. Tina had a bad cold, and she s          hard.
3. What play did the actors p           at the theater last night?
4. Deng Yaping is an outstanding ping-pong player, and she got many m          in her sports life.
5. The boy wants to be a g          because he likes playing golf very much.
6. Li Yundi is t          on music. He is a famous Chinese pianist.
7. The boy got lost in the forest for a month. When people found him, he was still a       .
8. His great a          was climbing Mount Qomolangma.
9. O’Neal became a p           basketball star when he was sixteen.
10. Kelsey is a kind and l      grandmother. She spends all her free time with her grandchildren.
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