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牛津英语7B Unit2 知识要点
  Unit    2
The first  period
1.  本课教学目标:复习某一场景中有关和地点的词汇。
2.  知识要点a.单词:none,order,badminton,life                                                                    
            b.短语:order something         enjoy /love doing     take sb to sw       take sb to do sth  buy sth for sb with money   go to sw     go shopping     play badminton     Chinese food      sports centre     shopping  mall       plan some activities
         c. 重点句
1.         How many tins of dog food can we buy with that? None, Eddie.
2.         Maybe we can order a pizza
3.         I love shopping
4.          I enjoy eating Chinese food.
5.         We can take them to a shopping mall.
3.  语法:
1)        there be 与have/has辨析
     There be在主语前,have/has在主语后。
     多个主语并列时,There be随第一主语变。
     There be表'存在', have/has表'所有'。
there be与have均可译为'有',但There be ...句型表示的是'某处有(存在)某人或物',其结构为:There be(am,is,are)+名词+地点状语,意指'存在';而have(has)表示'某人拥有某物',强调所属关系,主语是人。
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