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牛津3B Unit 7 练习四
Unit 7 练习四    姓名__________
(    )Where is Mum?         1.Yes,she is.
(    )Is she your aunt?        2.It’s four o five.
(    )What’s the time?        3.She’s in the bedroom.
(    )Where is my pencil-box?  4.Sorry,I don’t know.
(    )What’s two plus five?     5.Yes,she is.
1.b__ __床     2.b__k__自行车   3.th__ __ __三
4.g__ __l女孩  5.w__t__ __手表   6.c__ __小汽车
7.d__ __k书桌  8.ch__ __ __椅子   9.b__ __公共汽车
10.m__ __男人  11.cl__ __ __钟    12.t__p__修正带
(      )1.你想知道海伦在哪里,说:
A.Where’s he?                B.Where is she?   
C.Where is Helen?
(      )2.你想问妈妈鸡蛋在哪里,说:
A.Mum,Where is the egg?      B.Where is the egg,Mum?
C.Where is it?
(      )3.你想告诉爸爸手表在客厅里,说:
A.It’s in the kitchen.     B.The watch is in the sitting-room.
C.It’s in the study.
(      )4.别人问你时间,你说:
A.It’s seven.            B.Sorry,I don’t know.
C.Time to go to school.
【电脑版】 【触屏版】