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At present, in many American cities, many teachers in the public schools say they are underpaid. They point to   36   such as secretary or truck driver, which often pay more to start
than   37   of teacher. In many other fields, such as law, medicine, computer science, a beginning worker may   38   more than a teacher who has taught for several years.
Teaching has never been a profession (职业) that   39   people interested in high salaries. It is by history a profession that has provided rewards   40   money--the satisfaction of   41   knowledge, of influencing others, of   42   young people. But in the past several years there are more difficulties in teaching.
Disorderly students,    43    in big cities, large classes, and a lack of support from the public in   44   of money and understanding have led many public school teachers to   45  the profession.
As a result, many of the   46   students, who would have chosen teaching as their life career in the past, are going into other fields.
Another   47   for this change in teacher candidates (候选人) is the changing status (地位) of women in the United States. Until the late 1960s and 1970s,one of the most   48   choices for women was teaching.    49    as other professions, such as law and medicine,
   50   to women, women stopped pouring into teacher training programs. Thus, the number of excellent Candidates for the teaching profession became   51    .
Bit by bit government officials and others   52   that the status of the teacher had suffered. They talked about change. But change in a   53   society like the United States is not easy. People's attitudes have formed   54   many years, and sometimes change   55   many years.
36. A. jobs              B. things               C. units             D. persons
37. A. those             B. these                C. that                 D. this
38. A. work            B. produce            C. make              D. take
39. A. attracts           B. attacks             C. excites              D. appreciates
40. A. rather than          B. except for           C. in spite of            D. in addition to
41. A. owning           B. learning             C. creating            D. sharing
42. A. suggesting                B. scolding            C. pushing            D. guiding
43. A. especially          B. specially            C. unusually            D. obviously
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